Godly Troublemaker
To shine the light of Christ in the eyes of the idols of our day.
To become a prominent cultural apologetic and teaching ministry dedicated to training men, teaching sound doctrine and refuting those who contradict it.
1. Faithful Teaching
2. Fearless Confrontation
3. Forging Faithful Men and Fathers

Andy Parker
Andy Parker
Andy Parker is the founder and president of The Godly Troublemaker Inc. and host of 'The Godly Troublemaker Podcast.' Andy was born and raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan where he received multiple Master’s degrees from smart places which makes him smart and important and stuff. He served as a church planter and pastor for twelve years in Michigan. He has recently stepped down from pastoral ministry, sold everything and moved across the country to focus on his family, writing, podcasting, and building The Godly Troublemaker. And, perhaps still doing some preaching and teaching along the way.