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Writer's pictureAndy Parker

All The Single Ladies & The Patriarchy

Updated: Dec 16, 2023

Up in the club, just broke up….I'm doing my own little thing You decided to dip and now you wanna trip... 'Cause another brother noticed me I'm up on him, he up on me…Don't pay him any attention. 'Cause I cried my tears for three good years…You can't be mad at me
Cause if you liked it, then you should have put a ring on it. If you liked it, then you should have put a ring on it Don't be mad once you see that he want it 'Cause if you liked it, then you should have put a ring on it

Thus far, the lyrical brilliance of Beyonce…Hilariously, this song is sung as an anthem for the “singles ladies” as a proclamation of validation – you don’t have a man and you don’t need a man all while being up in the club shaking your butt trying to get the attention of men. She gets the attention of one man whom she is up on and be up on her…Which is satisfactory for her because apparently her old man, with which there was mutual up-onings is also at the same club noticing her being up on and be up-on…and he is tripping because she is doing her own little thing, which apparently she expects different results this time through.

The whole scene is like a bunch of animals humping each other at the zoo, which is incredibly tame compared the crap that is released today, like anything by Cardi B…because evidently the more vulgar and descriptively a woman can sing about her vagina the more empowering it is to women everywhere. However, “All The Single Ladies” and every song like it, betrays itself. It’s meant to be an anthem, it’s a sneak peak into the soul.

She is single, unwanted, and unmarried which is what she really wants…which is why she finds herself in the endless cycle of butt shaking at da club. What she really wants is to have a man love her so much that he is willing to give up himself for her in covenant for life. To not only to be her lover but also to be her protector and provider. Thus providing a household and safe space to be a mom and make babies and have dominion through helping her husband which is what she was made for.

Not only has she reduced her value to the price of a loaf bread but so to any man that wants to shop at that bakery. Let’s be entirely honest with ourselves, shall we? Feminism is an absolute, noxious cancer that has reduced the value and worth of a woman to her ability to go up in the club and get any guy to dry hump on the dance floor, which just f.y.i. is not hard. All the while crying about not being married…i.e., having a ring on it. We are not just sliding down a greased slide culturally, we’ve shot right out the end of it – like Taco Bell out the tailpipe, and woman and children are the primary recipients.

But it’s cool…because women feel empowered by singing about it, and because the male owner of the record label is making a lot of money off of it – “Take that, patriarchy. We showed you by whoring ourselves out for free…if you wanted it should have put a ring on it.” What a base and empty existence…one may be tempted to even call it weightless…in fact, one did.

Recently, Cheslea Handler who is a comedian that no one laughs with, but only at, released a video celebrating her child free life as a 48 year old woman who can easily pass for a young 58 year old woman because apparently the stress free life of multiple abortions and prescription drugs is good on the body. In this video she says…which is supposed to be funny:

“This is a day in the life of a childless woman. I wake up at 6:00 a.m. remember that I have no kids to take to school. I take an edible, masturbate and go back to sleep. I wake up at 12:30 p.m. and get ready for a busy day of doing whatever the fuck I feel like. I put on most impractical and stylish shoes since I won’t be chasing a child around the grocery store and go to my favorite spot in Paris to grab a croissant. I do a meditation session on the plane and since I have no screaming kids it allows me all the time in the world to become enlightened. The weightlessness of my existence has granted me superpowers. I teleport myself back home and get ready for a night out with whatever hot guy I met on Raya that morning. I call up a babysitter and tell her I don’t need her since I still don’t have kids”

Weightless, not only describes her existence perfectly, but every woman who willingly goes down this rout. A rout that is entirely opposed to God’s will and is contrary to nature. Thus, enslaving themselves to a life devoid or substance which is meaningless and valueless and weightless. Thank you feminism, thank you!

Vagina Hats, Tranny Models, Manpons & The Patriarchy

In 2017, feminists from all over our country descended upon Washington D.C. to celebrate the national woman’s march. Many were there to show that woman are every bit as much of a man as men are, and that they refuse to be commodified into component parts. They wanted the world to know, and certainly the wicked patriarchy to know that they are more than just a pretty face, or a nice rack or a nice bum. In order to illustrate that women should be taken seriously and shouldn’t be commodified, they wore vagina hats. Patriarchy smashed – mission accomplished, well done ladies, well done.

All this to say that sin makes you stupid and rebelling against nature makes you stupid…like, I don’t know, protesting the commodification of your body by wearing a vagina hat. Another stellar achievement of feminism in recent years, and no, I’m not talking about making tampons available in male restrooms – we’ll just call those manpons. No, no, no…I’m talking about the great advancements that Victoria’s Secrets has made for womankind everywhere.

Victoria’s Secret sells super skimpy underwear for woman. They have taken heat for this in years past for objectifying woman. In order to let the public know that they take criticism seriously and to show that they are actually about female empowerment and not objectification and stuff they decided to fix this perception. How did they do that one might ask?

Instead of changing…cleaning up their marketing, particularly through commercials, and their merchandising particularly in store front widows in public venues, or like adding fabric to their line of dental floss, nope, they decided to be much more inclusive…like, get woke bro…inclusivity. Changes I just proposed would have made sense a few years ago, but definitely not now. We’ve learned from the mistakes of the past – thanks boomer.

In order too, not only fix this public perception problem, but also to empower women

everywhere Victoria’s Secret decided to hire lesbian models, fat models, and tranny models, because nothing says feminine virtue and beauty like a dude packing his junk in lady underpants, and nothing says desirability like chicks with dicks. And let’s be honest with ourselves, I can’t tell you how times I have heard from women, how under-represented lesbo’s and fatso's are in the skimpy underwear market.

All of this to say, that when you rebel against God’s good design for men and women and God’s good design for human sexuality you get stupidity on a level that would make John Fetterwoman blush…let us just call this woketardery…or perhaps more specifically, femtardery. The fact of the matter is, when you set out to exalt and empower woman apart from the standard of God’s word you will inevitably end up defiling, debasing, and devaluing woman, because your starting point is perverse.

All that is feminine should be loved and protected by men so that it can flourish, under male headship and care…hypothetically speaking, let’s just call this patriarchy (just a term I’m making up on the fly, but I think it works). The patriarchy is like a protective fence…maybe we’ll call it a wall around your property…when you remove that, it’s not just, that what is special, and valuable and precious can get out, it’s also that all the wolves can get in, and, “My grandma, what big teeth you have!”

Vagina hats, tranny models, manpons and the like all originated somewhere. Perhaps it was when that nice little old lady with massive teeth told little red riding hood that she was slave if she wanted to stay at home and raise her children while her husband provided for the family, but was free when she serves her boss and gives her life to him as a wage slave. Raising your children is one thing, but smashing the glass ceiling – that’s a legacy. And I love that women feel comfortable celebrating their feminine beauty in the workplace with shoulder pads and dike doos, and lady pant-suits.

In part, this is why feminists are the most miserable of all people. The devil never delivers in his promises…they’ve drank from the devil’ cup, now they have to see the devil’s din…Just think of the women who have banked their whole existence on being able to shake their assets but now that their assets have depreciated in value their very upset about it…we could think of any number of actresses or musicians desperately trying to get people’s attention in order to validate their existence. Or the endless number of women who climbed the corporate ladder only to find themselves alone at the top, with the air getting increasingly thin, and now that their ovaries have dried up their forced to mother their staffs who do not care about them.

What God has designed for woman is so much better, fuller, richer, more influential and

impactful. “For a man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God, but woman is the glory of man. For man was not made from woman, but woman from man. Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man.” 1 Corinthians 11:7-9. Woman, then, is the glory of the glory. But her glory is a complementary glory…her glory is compound interest upon her husband’s glory.

Which means, she is designed to compound glory in relationship to man, particularly, one man – her husband, making both more glorious in covenantal union than either could be individually, thus multiplying their ability and capacity for dominion. Woman is a glory multiplier, but she is a glory multiplier in her very ability to function as she was designed to be.

Her glory is not found in her acting like a man, but rather like a woman. She was designed as a helper and not a head. She was designed for companionship, for marriage and for making babies…this is her glory, dominion and influence. The home is ground zero in the war for the cosmos and women are at the very center of it. John Angell James explains:

“Every woman, whether rich or poor, married or single, has an influence within which, according to her character, she is exerting a certain amount of power for good or harm. Every woman by her virtue or her vice, by her wisdom or her folly, by her dignity or her levity is adding something to our national elevation or degradation. As long as female virtue is prevalent, upheld by one sex and respected by the other, a nation cannot sink very low in the scale of ignominy by plunging into the depths of vice.”

Yes men were created to rule, and yes men are absolutely responsible for either abdicating this duty or for abusing this duty. They are 100% responsible in every way that they have sinned and rebelled against what God has designed for them. However, the converse is also true regarding the nature and design of woman. When women rebel against this, not only do they rob themselves of all the joy God has designed for them, but they also inevitably curse their homes and the nation because of the role of helper and influencer. If Cardi B’s hit song WAP is any indicator as to where we are on the scale of ignominy I’d be tempted to say we’re screwed.

If women want to be honored and respected and valued, then they should act in a honorable way, which means there needs to be a standard with which to conform too, and that standard can only be determined by the Creator and not by the creation. If women rebel against this, it will have a degrading and defiling effect across the board.

It’s hard to have any degree of credibility in bashing the patriarchy and decrying the

perverseness of masculinity while being all up in da club shaking your butt and complaining that men act like dogs…or like a woman who goes to the gym so the twins can get some air and she can show off her derriere, and then is very upset when men stare at the very derriere that she is sticking up in the air. I think it is third Peter, I’m not really sure, that says, if you don’t want to be treated like a whore then don’t act or dress like one….I’m paraphrasing, of course. Again, from John Angell James:

“To a certain extent, woman is the conservator of her nation’s welfare. Her virtue, if firm and uncorrupted, will stand sentinel over that of the empire. Law, justice, liberty, and the arts all contribute, or course, to the well-being of a nation; beneficial influence flows in from various springs, and innumerable contributors may be at work, each laboring in his vocations for his country’s weal.
But let the general tone of female morals be low, and all will be rendered nugatory, while on the other hand, the universal prevalence of womanly intelligence and virtue will swell the stream of civilization to its highest level, impregnate it with the richest qualities and wide is fertility over the widest surface. A community is not likely to be overthrown where woman fulfills her mission, for by the power of her noble heart over the hearts of others she will raise it from its ruins and restore it again to prosperity and joy. Here then, beyond the circle of wedded life as well as within it, is no doubt part of woman’s mission, and an important one it is. Her field is social life, her object is social happiness, her reward is social gratitude and respect.” John Angell James

If one wanted to argue that the primary responsibility for the degradation of women in our culture falls on men, I would whole-heartedly agree…and I have said so repeatedly,

emphatically, unapologetically, and publicly, which is why I never tire of declaring the virtues and necessity of a godly patriarchy as God’s good design for men, and the home, and the church and society as a whole. But woman are also very much responsible for the role they play in the degradation of women.

Now if one wanted to argue that there will always be women who will use their sexual wiles to manipulate and control, or just base woman, or self-deprecating women that will pursue the passions of the flesh I would very much agree, but I would also say that we would all be much better off it that were the exception and not the norm. And I would emphatically add that those women would be much more likely to become the exception if we pursued and exalted the norms of what God has designed for women.


Since I’ve quoted John Angell James twice already, perhaps it would be fitting to close with another quote. However, before I do, I want to stress the importance of what is actually being said here. It is one thing to expose the insanity of our culture, and to be entirely honest – that’s low hanging fruit today. It’s another thing entirely to have a constructive alternative standard to point people too. Fortunately, we have that in God’s word, and it is glorious. God is not only the Author of life, He is the Author of human sexuality and gender roles and what He has designed is good, and when we rebel against that there are devastating consequences that have a compounding generational impact.

“If I am right to the nature of woman’s mission, I cannot err as to the proper sphere of it. If she was created for man, and not only for the race of man, but for one man, then. The easy and necessary inference is that home is the proper scene of woman’s action and influence. There are few terms in the language around which cluster so many blissful associations as that delight of every…heart, the word ‘home’. The Elysium of love, the nursery of virtue, the garden of enjoyment, the temple of concord, the circle of all tender relationships, the playground of childhood, the dwelling of manhood, the retreat of age; where health loves to enjoy its pleasures, wealth revels in its luxuries, and poverty bears its rigors; where sickness can best endure its pains and dissolving nature expire; which throws its spell over those who are within its charmed circle and even sends its attractions across oceans and continents, drawing to itself the thoughts and wishes of the man who wanders from it to the antipodes – this home, sweet home is the sphere of wedded woman’s mission.” John Angell James

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