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Writer's pictureAndy Parker

Christian Nationalism

Updated: Jan 4, 2024


As the 2022 midterm election draws near we’re reminded once again just how remarkably stupid and wicked the democrats are, and just how feckless, weak, unprincipled and spineless the republicans are. And as division and separation continues to grow within our country and evangelicalism we are reminded that Christians shouldn’t be political or anything…Rather, we should be spending time sharing the gospel by fighting systemic racism, climate change and providing a shoulder to cry on for the all the poor women that might have to travel over state lines to kill their baby…

Now is not a time to add to the division by calling people with penis’ men and people with vaginas women…now is a time to exercise pronoun hospitality and provide a welcoming space for the trans community who have been so grossly marginalized by those on the right, and by Christians who only think about politics and stuff.

Now is not the time for party politics, but it is the time to make sure indigenous people groups and those who are not indigenous but are still brownish have a safe space to live and are provided for in every way so that they can vote democrat…because we all know the best way to fight racism is to make sure we do everything we can for those who aren’t white, because they can’t do it for themselves – and brownish kids are every bit as smart as their whiter counterparts. Tokenism has no place in the church, which is why we should all have at least three black friends…

Now is certainly not the time to be a narcissistic jerk by only thinking about ourselves. Now is the time to love your neighbor by getting your fifth booster and still wearing your mask which somehow miraculously shows the love of Christ by destroying your own health while at the same time not effecting your neighbors in the least…Now is the time to really show the world what Jesus is like as we martyr ourselves for the secular jihad…how would the world ever know Jesus otherwise?

Not only that, Jesus didn’t say anything about politics, but He did say a lot about caring for the least these, the poor, the marginalized and oppressed…like the Ukrainians right now who are still under attack by a wicked tyrant, and if that wicked tyrant is allowed to win, or even to live, then, where in the world will the wicked tyrants who run our country be able to launder their money?

All this to say that when you give the crazies the keys the whole world becomes an asylum…and I believe this is good news for the Christian because the wheels of secularism have fallen off and are rolling down the road with the car sliding close behind.

It should be apparent to everyone at this point that the Republicans are never going to make America great again because they had no idea what made America great in the first place…not to mention the fact that Trump got completely played by covid, and was the one in office when the economy was shut down, churches were being closed and pastors were being arrested…he was in office when the first stimulus bills were passed…and when masks and experimental vaccines were being forced on the populous and when BLM and Antifa destroyed our cities.

Don’t get me wrong, I would vote for Trump, and did - twice, over any democrat any day of the week, but I would also vote for a poop chucking monkey at the zoo over any democrat…Now is probably a good time to point out that poop chucking monkeys don’t build gulags.

This in no way shape or form gives any evangelical an out who voted for Biden – because:

Orange Man Bad. Any time you see anyone who voted for Biden you should gaze into their eyes until they turn away in shame like a dog pooping. Biden is absolutely wicked and disgusting, he is a corrupt pedophile and rapist who can’t form a sentence and has a nasty habit a crapping his pants in public…Allegedly…

Some of you may be surprised that I am saying, out loud, what you are all secretly thinking about the most popular president in American history…but alas it must be said. And, honestly, I thought I would give the IRS another reason to withhold may taxes for the fifth year in a row…and maybe 25 FBI agents will raid my house because I’m pro-life.

Does this mean that we shouldn’t vote? NO, given the option between Cyrus or Nero, I would vote for Cyrus 10 out of 10 times and not feel bad about it…However, we should feel bad about the fact that these always seem to be our only two options…I think we should see that as a sign of God’s judgment upon our nation…Kinda of like the gubernatorial race in Michigan this year. The only thing more incompetent in Michigan than the democrats are the republicans. Their solution to beating the dark lord, that is, the high imperial empress, Gretchen Whitler, was to find a woman to run against her, you know, the kind with a vagina. Because they were certain that’s what voters wanted.

Nothing says tokenism like, “hey, we have one too”…just like they all did after Obama won. God says that it is a curse upon a land when women and children rule over you…but apparently the republicans in Michigan have a new slogan, “If we’re all going to be damned, we might as well do it together”…because you know, unity and all.

So here we are, stuck between a rock and a hard place…Do you vote for a woman who has no chance of winning and won the primary just like Biden won his…and is, well, a woman. Or, do you not vote which would be essentially a vote for the Offspring of Satan? These are the options that secularism gives us…that is to say, no good options….Do we receive all of God’s judgement all at once, or do we try and stretch it out a bit?

Because of this idolatry, men end up being used by the god they think they are using…and discover that idols never deliver on their promises…Those who seek to control the climate are the worst polluters of it…Seeking the government to control our health and education has created one of the fattest and stupidest nations on earth…EVER. And who would have thought defunding the police would have created more crime when the only criminals on the streets were the police?

The fact of the matter is, we are a bunch a fat, stupid, idolatrous sinners and we are getting everything we deserve as a nation…we have abandoned the fear of God and have whored ourselves out to the idol of personal peace and prosperity for a long time and now we have neither…and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The over-the-top Americana that I love and the America I grew up in isn’t on life support…it’s dead – we’ve killed it! And the sooner we come to terms with that the better. After the 2020 presidential election I did several videos saying, that our country, as we know it, is dead. The cheating that went on in that election was so disgusting, so in your face, so painfully obvious, and so intentionally demoralizing that no one has ever denied it. The only argument that has ever been presented against it, is that the democrats cheated, but not enough to make a difference. And the fact, that many on the Left are using the term “election deniers” tells you everything!

The democrats then went on to persecute and prosecute any and all political opposition that they could without due process of law or the right to a fair and speedy trial (Jan. 6 th anyone?)…and the recent raid on Mar-a-Lago…almost all but guarantees a civil war…there is simply no good way out of this mess. If the republicans get in power what do they do?...

Christians should long for justice, democrats and many republicans should be behind bars…but they will never prosecute any of their own and if they actually grow a pair and prosecute everyone involved in this mess then it just feeds the narrative of attacking political opposition even though it is necessary.

Everyone knows if you don’t kill the fox in your garden he will continue to consume everything in front of him. Because we’ve thought for so long that we know better than God and can control outcomes we’ve put ourselves in a position where if the right thing is done the shit is going to hit the fan, and if nothing is done it will be much worse…and our country has been on a decades long chili and tequila diet and Montezuma is about to blow.

All of this coupled with the fact that none of the voting systems have changed and we are still allowing massive mail-in voting…because Covid…and we have rewarded the absolute worst elements in society over the past couple of years…not to mention that fact that the SS (I mean BLM and Antifa…paid terrorist by the democratic party)…it’s not hard to see that things are going to continually get worse before they get better.

Nationally, we have got ourselves into such a position that there is no getting out of the mess we got ourselves in without Blood…we will either be covered in our own, or we will be covered in Christ’s…Those are the only two options before us.

Christian Nationalism

There is a lot talk these days about Christian Nationalism. No one is really sure where the term originated from…I believe it was a pejorative term thrown on anyone that had right leaning tendencies with the attempt to homogenize, demonize and marginalize anyone who was not on board with statism…because you know, Tolerance!

Though this may not have been the first term that many Christians would have taken to describe the building of Christ’s kingdom in this world it seems to be one that we can work with and instead of causing marginalization, it actually seems to be causing some genuine reflection amongst those who truly love Jesus. Perhaps over time, it will come to have the same effect as the pejorative, “Puritan” has had.

That statement may excite some of you…well and good. Everyone wants to think, write and preach like a Puritan, however, I would like to point out that the depths of those thoughts were only produced in the cellar of affliction while facing down real political opposition and a real Leviathan.

Something that those who have an affinity for puritan theology might want to remember, given that most of them – especially in my own city were all too willing to shut down their churches and bend over backwards while Leviathan had his way with them…but who am kidding, no one remembers two weeks ago let alone two years…If cowardice is not repented of, I promise you it will be repeated.

Before we bite into Christian nationalism, allow me just a few more appetizers. This term is being thrown out there to describe anyone who disagrees with the left…Though anyone who belongs to Christ, by definition, has to oppose Leftist ideology…it would be terribly wrong to think of “conservatives” or “republicans” as associated with actual “Christian Nationalism.” The days of voting for someone just because they have an R in front of their name should have died a long time ago…if your whole resume is that you are not as stupid or wicked as your opponent – it doesn’t mean that you actually have anything to offer.

Let’s just be honest. Both parties suck in glorious fashion….which might explain the frequent trips to a particular island. However, they suck for differing reasons. Republicans suck because they do not hold to the principles they profess, which is evident in their stellar resume of conserving nothing. You may say, “what about Roe?” – Roe was a horrible decision that took 50 yrs. to overturn and if it wasn’t for the work of valiant abolitionist it wouldn’t have been. But what did conservatives and Big Eva do with the greatest “conservative” political victory in our lifetime? They apologized for it instead of dancing over its corpse – which tells you everything you need to know!

Unfortunately, the only reason 90% of these yahoo’s sound sensible is because of what they are being compared too which is an ideological Gehenna. The democrats suck (with a capital S) not because they do not hold true to their principles, but because they do – they are wicked and God has turned them over to a wicked and debased mind to do what ought not to be done.

It’s important to note at this point that democrats telegraph their punches like an upset three year old coming at you hot from across the room, or they have a “tell” for every single hand they play. That is to say, that they accuse you of everything they are currently doing. They have been building a secular empire for decades (which is a theocracy, just like Islam)…they have been building their theocracy, (empire of dirt) with impunity and without opposition under the guise of neutrality for a very long time.

That to say, their problem is not with theocracy…there is no separation for them between church and state, because for them, the state is the church. And they have absolutely no problem with nationalism per se…their problem is with Jesus and His followers and their message, which is, Jesus Christ is Lord and no one and nothing else is. This also means that Jesus Christ is Lord over the state, which has always been included in the Christian message and which tyrants have always understood, and currently understand better than most of the church in the West.

In saying this…no Christian is promoting “theocracy” – that is, removing distinctions between church and state. These are two separate spheres that God has given derivative authority to, to operate under the banner of His name for His glory…Those who serve in the civil sphere are God’s deacons/servants to administrate/execute/and codify into law, God’s law. By rightly applying God’s law the evil doer is punished, thus promoting and perpetuating righteousness in the land so that all may flourish and grow…The state holds the sword to execute justice, as defined by God, and the church holds the keys to the kingdom of heaven.

The state is not to force worship, and no one believes that the state can convert anyone…Elders and the church of Jesus Christ have their part to play as well as the magistrate…these are separate offices in separate spheres, however, neither operates autonomously, because both are under the Lordship of King Jesus. If you want to call this anything, you can call it a theonomic vision, although I would prefer to just call it Biblical.

This is all opposed to the secular theocracy that we have now…where you have forced worship and forced conversions by a wicked state that demands loyalty and allegiance…i.e., your repentance and faith in them.

To use the term Christian nationalism is to say nothing more than the most basic of Christian professions and that is that Jesus Christ is Lord, over not just our own country, but every country.

“Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD and against his Anointed, saying, “Let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us.” He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision. Then he will speak to them in his wrath, and terrify them in his fury, saying, “As for me, I have set my King on Zion, my holy hill.” I will tell of the decree: The LORD said to me, “You are my Son; today I have begotten you. Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession. You shall break them with a rod of iron and dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.” Now therefore, O kings, be wise; be warned, O rulers of the earth. Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish in the way, for his wrath is quickly kindled. Blessed are all who take refuge in him.” Psalm 2

Jesus Christ, The resurrected Son of God, the second member of the Trinity, currently sits

enthroned in glory, where He is building His church through His ambassadors and will

ultimately fill the earth. Every knee will bow down to King Jesus – that will happen! The only uncertainly for the people of God is how often and how many the ripples will be between now and then.

If you are ever asked, “Are you a Christian Nationalist” your response should be, “Duh!” This is nothing novel…it’s par for the course…The only reason it seems novel is because we have spread our legs to the false god of comfort and safety a long time ago, while still trying to maintain our Christianity, like a good Jew sacrificing to Molech – which has resulted, not only, in the absence of comfort and safety, but also Christianity.

A post popped up on my feed the other day from twelve years ago that still holds true today where I said, “the word love does not show up in the Book of Acts. However, there are over 114 references to words like riots, uprisings, beatings, suffering, persecution and the like. - Even someone of sub-par intelligence has to look at this and say, "what were they doing that we are not?" Perhaps the most obvious answer is the most ignored - that theirs was a church filled with believers and ours is not.”


Every knee is going to bow and every tongue is going to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. The nations, all of them, belong to King Jesus and they will bow before Him. This doesn’t, in way, mean that Jesus would not be right in wiping our country off the face of the map. Our sins are a multitude and high handed, and it is only by the grace of God that He has not done that yet.

As the wheels are falling off secularism right in front of us we should rejoice and be glad, and dance a jig over its rotting corpse. This presents the Church with a wonderful opportunity to proclaim a 100 proof, full-throttled gospel that covers all of life – which Jesus is Lord over.

As things get more crazy and more confusing, I would strongly encourage you to find your

people. Not just to attend a place of like-minded people, but to contribute to their fellowship, by continually asking yourself, how you can serve and love and add value to this fellowship. Simply attending some place isn’t going to be enough when a particular kind of “it” hits the fan.

If peoples only exposure to you and your family is an hour on every other Sunday…forget it. If resources are limited people will share with family and loved ones and people they know they can trust first – and they should.

Also, true, genuine Christian fellowship is attractional…it will stand out now more than ever. Which means there is going to be a huge, uncomfortable sifting process that takes place in broader evangelicalism…This is good and we should be thankful for it…like the removing of a rotten tooth. This means that there will be peaks and valleys along the way…there will be trials and triumphs and we need to trust the Lord through all of it.

Which means we will have to get used to holding a certain tension in our hands at all times…that is, between becoming a separatist and an alarmist, both of which would be reactionary and not pro-active. The righteous man see danger and hides himself…we should be prepared for things to get crazier – whatever that means, but we also shouldn’t remove ourselves to a cabin in the woods filled with food and ammo…though that sounds enticing – it only serves to remove you from your people, and put a big fat target on your back from those who may want your stuff. Not to mention the fact, that a man alone in the woods has a pretty small mission field. (but this is to say nothing about storing food and ammo – which you probably should).

However, the world that we live in is freaking nuts that it is very hard to not become an

alarmist…and wonder when rounds are going to start getting fired. Is there ever a time for war? Absolutely, but Christians need to always remember that that is a last resort, and that the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but of the Spirit that we use to destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and to take every thought captive to obey Christ. We fight first, by bring everything into the light.

We have to understand that without the proclamation and reception of the gospel we’ll simply just be moving from one war to the next, it will just be a matter of timing between A and B. Without the blood of Jesus there is no atonement, no reconciliation, no forgiveness and no peace between God and man which has a ripple effect all the way down and all the way through.

But with the reception of the gospel there is atonement, reconciliation, forgiveness and peace with God through the blood of Jesus that runs all the way down and all the way through. There is one Savior and one Mediator between God and men the man Christ Jesus. Therefore, repent and believe in the Lord Christ knowing that all who take refuge in Him will be blessed.

My advice to everyone on the Left and Right, would be to kiss the Son lest He be angry with you and you perish in the way.

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