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Our Country's Sexual Sin Problem

Writer's picture: Andy ParkerAndy Parker

Just a cursory look around at our country and it doesn’t take long for a moderately sensible human being to conclude that we have lost our ever-loving minds. When I say, lost our ever-loving minds it should be understood that we are not just talking about immodesty, as if we’re oscillating between the opposing polarities of prudishness and immodesty. We’re not even oscillating between sanity and insanity anyone. We’ve left the reservation and drove right off the cliff a long time ago.

As a country we’ve lubed up that slide and as much as I would like to say that we’ve come to the bottom, I’m afraid that we are just beginning to pick up stream and that there is no end in sight. I believe that what I just said applies across the board, but for our purposes now I’m thinking specifically in terms of our sexual sin problem. However, because we are integrated and can’t help but be anything but integrated (one part touches every other), and no, I’m not talking about our pedophile Resident and Chief at a Chucky Cheese. I am talking about our lives. That is, one part touches every other part. I say this to point out the fact that what we do with our genitals actually has an impact on everything else. Of which the current state of the Union attests.

If we make exceptions somewhere, it isn’t long before you start making them everywhere. This is true individually, we are always that we are the exception to the rule, and in good Orwellian fashion – some sinners are more equal than others, and you can always tell which ones are more equal by whatever team you are currently on. However, this is even more true corporately. We can call this mutual sin affirmation. That is, I get my sin and you get your sin, which means that corporately we have to tolerate both, and what is tolerated today is accepted tomorrow. Unfortunately, this is a trajectory that only moves in one direction.

I remember when I was a kid way back yonder. One of my kids asked me while ago if that’s when they had black and white TV’s. I am not that old, but I’m not a spring chicken anymore either. I remember when I was in high school thirty years ago – which was a bit, but not really that long ago. At the time, if someone had premarital sex it was considered a big deal, and I still remember many non-Christians even referring to that as sin. That was part of the cultural language which Christianity still had an influence over. Perhaps it was a cut flower, but you could at least still smell the aroma a little bit.

Now, we can still smell an aroma, but it is of a completely different sort. Like now, it just stinks of corrosion and death. We’ve gone to sex outside of marriage being a big deal, to kids have their genitals cut off and being pumped full of hormones, or identifying as a lesbo or gay or whatever – which leads one to wonder how they would even know that. But no matter, because the adults in the room, or so they call themselves, are there to encourage every form of sexual confusion and depravity they can think up.

Think about how absolutely and profoundly depraved and violently stupid we have become. We allow grown ass men, who are sexual perverts and dress like women – which is actually really insulting to woman. Most of these guys look and dress like a unicorn had an illegitimate love child with a demon. We’ve given these sexual predators an audience with our children, but we are told that we should feel good about letting a pack of wolves into the chicken coup because of diversity, equity and inclusion and stuff. Which, I guess in some respects that’s actually true, but we probably should have asked ourselves whether or not it was a good idea to include the devil at our dinner table before we let him in the front door, or in this case, the back door.

Tolerance is not good in and of itself. Equity is not good in and of itself. Inclusion is not good in and of itself, and when these things are treated as such you open the door wide to every form of depravity and it becomes a race to the bottom, which we are finding out, seems to be a very very long way down. Just imagine if we continue to move in the direction we have been at the rate we have been. Now project that out five more years, ten more years, twenty more years where are we at? If you are like me you can’t. I never thought I would ever hear people justifying the things that they are today – it is just that depraved. So to try and project that out, or say to myself, what would make this worse – there just aren’t categories for that.

I bring this up because we are in an election year which I am sure that no one has noticed. However, what we should be noticing is how the political discourse has changed in a very troubling way. I noticed this with the last Trump trial where he was convicted on 34 counts of something. Apparently his attorney recorded hush money to a porn star improperly, which led many to say, “wow, he actually recorded that.” The left’s hypocrisy knows absolutely and entirely no bounds. Most people look at that and compare that to the Clinton foundation or the Biden crime cartel and are amazed at how virtuous Trump looks.

Herein lies the problem and herein lies the shift. In generations past, simply pointing out that Trump is a repeated and unapologetic adulterer and that he paid a porn star to have sex with him and then paid her not to talk about it would have been enough to destroy the guy in the court of public opinion. Conservatives, after all, were…well, trying to conserve something. But that’s not the case anymore.

We all know that liberals have absolutely no grounds with which to confront anyone for any manner of sexual sin…zero. In fact, their entire party platform openly supports every form of depravity, and they are a bunch of sick bastards. However, conservatives lack any and all credibility in rebuking and denouncing the democrats for supporting every form of sexual immorality because they themselves support it. They don’t care as long as they win. Not only that, but we are so messed up, that the front runner of the conservative party paying off porn stars doesn’t seem like that big of a deal anymore. Not to mention the fact that you have gay Dave Rubin and tranny Bruce Jenner that are now conservative talking heads. Seriously…you can’t make this stuff up anymore.

My point is, conservatives can’t rebuke or denounce any of the disgusting stuff supported by the democrats. How can they? And by what standard? Adultery and prostitution are ok, but definitely not homosexuality and pedophilia. Who says and by what standard? Most people intuitively know this because the law of God is written upon their hearts though they suppress it in unrighteousness. However, instead of pointing out the mutual depravity and hypocrisy and both repenting, we have corporate sin affirmation. This means that what is depraved today becomes normative tomorrow.

What does that mean? I’m not sure, but I am pretty sure it involves your children and

grandchildren. Some may say, that would never happen, that’s the line I draw, I would die if it ever came to that. I think people actually believe themselves when they say that, but I don’t. If the great volume of people who actually say things like that actually believed it we wouldn’t be where we are at today.

Was the trial against Trump a sham? Absolutely, but the fact of the matter is, none of that would have been an option had he not been sleeping with and paying off porn stars while he was married. The fact of the matter is he should be ashamed by this and so should we. The fact that we are not more disgusted is a sign of not only where we are at, but also where we are headed. Even the king of Nineveh had the wherewithal to repent in sackcloth and ashes. However, that’s because he believed the word of the Lord, and that judgment was imminent. Unfortunately, we’re still too comfortable for that.


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The Godly Troublemaker

Shining the light of Christ in the eyes of the idols of our day.

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