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Writer's pictureAndy Parker

PRIDE Comes Before The Fall

Updated: Dec 29, 2023


Given the fact that it’s sexual perversion and depravity celebration month, I thought I would provide some reflections on this most holy festival. So, before you run out and buy your rainbow t-shirt or flip flops, or eat your gay burger (because nothing says pedophile like Ronald MacDonald), or cheer for your trans-friendly baseball team, or buy your gay Starbucks…or get ready for your parade by strapping on your chaps, or another strap on, and before throwing on your wig or taping your bulge I wanted to give you my two cents worth…and given that we aim to please you may get ten cents worth instead. You’re welcome.

As we gear up and ready ourselves for the onslaught of the normalization of every form of

perverse revelries and mental illness, we would do well to remind ourselves of what everyone already knows but refuses to acknowledge by suppressing the truth in unrighteousness and that is, that in the beginning God made them male and female…and for those ready and willing to move onto some elite level science, that means that boys have a penis and girls have a vagina.

Having said that, I know that I am asking a lot of our audience…given the controversial nature of the above statement (the one about men and women having complementary parts)…Given, that many would prefer to believe the secular, super-scientific doctrine of origins, which has been irrevocably and indubitably proven by Science (that’s capital S)…and requires no faith at all

That is, that in the beginning there was a great big impersonal cosmic fart (after all, Baal was often disposed on the can) that produced all that ever was, is or will be. After millions and millions of years of random, impersonal, unconscious skid-marks randomly bouncing into each other while being random…one asexual skid-mark developed consciousness and determined that it would be better for the species to reproduce by being completely dependent upon each-other for the propagation of the species (which is also now something that they are aware of and care very much about) with complementary genitalia…which also immediately evolved at the exact same time and in the same way…how did that happen? Don’t know…it doesn’t really matter, it’s science you racist/nazi….like I said, no faith required.

Maybe I’m asking a lot…or perhaps, I’m just saying out loud what every sexual pervert, libtard, and evangellyfish already knows…as Andrews Sandlin recently said,

“There are not a multitude of genders. There are two sexes, and a multitude of depravities”

Thus, that crafty serpent while being serpantly crafty asked our first parents (which just so

happened to be distinctively male & female…which they self-evidently identified as such, not because of what they believed about themselves in their hearts but because they had a penis and vagina)… “Did God really say”…which, just F.Y.I. was a rhetorical question carrying the obvious answer of, YES.

So, as those in the LGBTQIA+ community, and the fools and tyrants who support them send out their clarion questioning call, “Did God really make them male and female?”…we can’t be confused by the nature of the question, which is obviously and unmistakably rhetorical, carrying the obvious answer of, YES…yes He did, which they, in their heart of hearts already know.

Realizing at this point that this brand of trouble making tetters on the brink of insanity, after all, the right people don’t agree with it and it doesn’t have any corporate sponsors…So, let me try to humbly illustrate my point while being illustratively humble that the LGBTQIA+ community actually believes in the binary nature of the sexes (if you’re having a hard time keeping up, that’s two: male and female)

Lesbians are women who are into other women and not men…“Gays” are men who are into other men and not women. Bisexuals are either men who are into both men and women or women who are into both women and men. Transgenders are either men who think they’re women or women who think they are men.

Queer or Questioning are those who are uncertain about whether they are a woman who is into women or whether they are a man who is into men or whether they are a woman who is into both women and men or a man who is into both men and women or whether they are a woman who thinks they are a man who is into women or a man who thinks he is a woman who is into men.

The Intersex is that rare anomaly, where neither DNA nor preference determine gender, but rather a malformed penis or vagina or some combination thereof determines that you are both male and female. The Asexual is either a male or a female that doesn’t believe they are a male or a female. And lastly, at least for now, the “pluses” are all the other “non-heterosexual” people…i.e. all other people who are either males or females but don’t fit into any of the other categories regarding males and females.

One can’t help but get the nagging suspicion that the “+” is also a cleaver way of pirating in and normalizing pedophilia through the backdoor (but enough about the Catholic priests). Also, one can’t help but notice the pesky comparison to the alter to the unknown god.

“So Paul, standing in the midst of the Areopagus, said: “Men of Athens, I perceive that in every way you are very religious. For as I passed along and observed the objects of your worship, I found also an altar with this inscription: To the unknown god.’ What therefore you worship as unknown, this I proclaim to you. The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything. And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him.” Acts 17:22-27

As the painfully obvious is stated, I’m sure there are the Big Eva, white knight, Beta’s among us that always need to be seen as the adults in the room that will swoop in to save the day and say that it’s not winsome to point out Lia Thomas’ bulge or to expect a strong black woman like Katanji Jackson to know what a woman is – she is a justice for heaven’s sake not a biologist.

These same white knights will also be quick to point that we are singling out the sins that are explicit to the LGBTQIA+ community (like the very existence of the LGBTQIA+ community), while ignoring all others…to which we would respond – nuh uh

And as far as said “singling out goes”…we’re not the ones who choose to designate a month to LGBTQIA+ orientation and activity…we’re not the ones with corporate sponsors and huge merchandising contacts…nor are we the ones demanding, upon punishment of persecution and violence that our desires and practices be affirmed regardless of how irrational and perverse they may be.

You can’t make exhibition of yourself, and then cry foul when one comments on what is being exhibited. So, without further ado, let me provide a comment or two about our cultural full Monty.

The Inversion of a Nation

R.J. Rushdoony said,

“Homosexuality is thus the culminating sexual practice of a culminating apostasy and hostility towards God. The homosexual is at war with God, and, in his every practice, is denying God’s natural order and law. The theological aspect of homosexuality is thus emphasized in Scripture. In history, homosexuality becomes prominent in every area of apostasy and time of decline. It is an end-of-an-age phenomenon.”

Rushdoony is absolutely, 100% correct in this…and when he speaks of an “end-of-an-age

phenomenon” he is not speaking of the end of the space time continuum (sorry Disppies). He is speaking of the “end-of-an-age”…or if you will, the end of a nation or at least of its prominence…which is exactly what we are seeing in our nation

If there was ever any question as to whether we have lost our ever-loving minds as a country and spiraled all the way done the TOILET BOWL…let me dispel all doubt. Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner, is grandpa in his mid 60’s who had his dick cut off and fake boobs put on and injected himself full of hormones all because he “identifies” as a woman (whatever that means, and assuming such a thing exists). As a result of such self-mutilation, he won the coveted prize of woman of the year because apparently men are better at that too.

Back to dispelling all doubt. In a recent interview…(on Fox News) Bruce/Caitlyn commenting on boys competing in girls sports said, “this woke madness has gone too far”…and then preceded to follow up with this, “I had the balls to stand up for woman’s sports”

I’m just going to let that one speak for itself.

We have a problem. We have a big problem. We have a nation ending problem. Because we have worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator God has turned us over to a wicked and debased mind to do what ought not to be done. We are suffering the judgment of God as a nation and it’s a judgment of being turned over to our own wicked desires.

As Rushdoony said, this is an “end-of-an-age phenomenon.” That’s not being hyperbolic…the more the LGBTQIA+ community (with its beliefs and practices) is tolerated, affirmed and accepted…it will literally be the end of a nation given a long enough timeline…Why? Well, I know this is some advanced level science, but two dudes can’t make a baby, and two chicks can’t make a baby, and a dude who dresses like a chick but still gets with other dudes can’t make a baby, nor can a chick who dresses like a dude but still gets with other chicks.

You say, that’s not true…people in the LBGTQIA+ community can have a family. Yes, but they are still completely dependent upon a male and a female to produce said baby. And it’s true, they could adopt…but this is a gross abomination and is likely to produce seven spirits more wicked than the first.

It is also true, that someone like Dave Rubin and his gay-lover can cook up a couple kids in a lab…they just needed to find someone willing to whore out their womb. In both cases you still need a biological male and a biological female (you know, the kinds that have a penis and vagina and not the self-identifying kind)…and in neither case do you have an actual family.

A rose by any other name is still a rose…or, lipstick on a pig or something. In his book, Making Gay Okay, Robert Reilly says,

“Misnaming things necessarily leads to moral and political disorder...What is arbitrary is by definition tyrannical.”

So we can tinker and screw with words and definitions all day long, but at the end of the day we’ve changed nothing and are only heaping condemnation upon ourselves…

We can say things like Dave Rubin and his gay-lover are “expecting”…or Pete Buttigieg and his gay-lover (Chasten…that’s literally his name…because nothing says, my kid is going to grow up and be gay like the name Chasten) are “expecting”…but everyone knows that gay ass-sex doesn’t produce life…and if you’re more upset that I would use the term gay ass-sex than that gay ass-sex is endorsed and taught as normative in government schools you’re just as much a part of the problem.

Not only that, what do you think your stupid t-shirt, yard-sign and homo-burger are supporting. You’re the one flying the flag…don’t get upset at me for pointing it out what it represents. I’m being vulgar for pointing it out, but you’re not for practicing it or endorsing it?

So yes, we have a problem…our problem is, sin and it runs all the way down and all the way through and the only answer to that problem is not acceptance, but removal…It is a hot 100 proof Gospel that runs all the way down and all the way through.

What is the root of our problem? The root of our problem is sin, and sin is manifest in our

rebellion to God’s authority and good design for humanity which brings guilt and shame. Our glory is a derivative glory. It comes from dwelling in the presence of God and reflecting His likeness through our love for Him which is illustrated in our obedience to Him.

The commands of God are not burdensome, they provide a fence for His children, which not only keeps them safe, but allows them to flourish…When man rebelled against God choosing his will over God’s he sought to take the place of God not only knowing, but determining good from evil…man learned really quickly that the naming of things is to be a metaphysical reflection of those things and cannot change the metaphysical nature of those things…especially regarding himself.

Sin not only brings punishment in the next life, but it also brings guilt and shame in this life…for sins that we commit and sins that are committed against us. I think there are multiple things going on in our culture right now in relationship to the LGBTQIA+ community.

I think there are certain wicked people pushing this garbage who could care less about the LGBTQIA+ community or the people ravaged by its perversity…They are Marxists…and by continually pushing…normalizing…and persecuting those who decent from said normalization they seek to destroy the family. As Marx himself said,

“The key to the holy family is the earthly family. To get rid of the former, the later must be destroyed in theory and in practice.”

Marx knew that a strong family meant a strong church and a church was a safeguard against a tyrannical state. So they have absolutely no love for the LGBTQIA+ community…they look at them the same the look at the black community, as useful idiots.

C.S. Lewis said,

“There are people who want to keep our sex instinct inflamed in order to make money out of us. Because, of course, a man with an obsession is a man who has very little sales-resistance.”

This is a problem that goes far beyond the LGBTQIA+ community and is part of the

problem with the LGBTQIA+ community – there aren’t enough letters to express the height, the length, the depth and the breath of our sexual sin.

When people are enslaved to their passions, the cultural plumb will continue to move left,

because you’ll have a mutual back-scratching or a mutual “blind-eye-turning” going. That is happening culturally, but it is also certainly happening in the church.

Why would anyone sit under gay reverend Helen or gay reverend Pete? Because gay reverend Helen or Pete will never ever be able to rebuke you for your sexual sin…itching ears and all. And the crazier the shit we tolerate the more normal the garden variety fornicator and adulterer look…you can drive fast on broad roads but it should be noted that they all lead to the same place.

Another aspect of all of this sexual insanity is actually coming from a place of hurt and

shame…the kind of hurt and defilement and shame that sin brings when practiced or received willingly or unwillingly. The more years I get under my belt and the more time I spend in ministry the more hurt and pain and suffering I see, and this is certainly true of sexual sin of all strips…especially regarding abuse.

I have often said of feminism that there are two types of women who want to be feminist: those who want to be dudes and those who have been abused by dudes and are very pissed off about it, and they should be. Their anger is just, but the way to fix the problem is not to abandon the patriarchy, it’s to have a righteous patriarchy that executes justice, punishes the wicked and seeks to restore the victim.

This same principle is also true regarding so much of the sexual shame permeating our culture and the church. Sexual sin is defiling and it brings shame. The fallen mind thinks that in order to remove this shame it needs to be minimized or normalized.

I have personally sat at clinics for sexual abuse victims and watched a great multitude come and go, and I have talked to the counselors they met with…all equipped with their PRIDE pins. Though the counselors were well intended they had no idea they were promoting and perpetuating the very thing that brought those young girls and women there in the first place.

My point is, as a nation, we are covered in guilt and shame, and the answer will never be the denial of guilt or the acceptance of shame…Unfortunately, the adage, “if we’re all ashamed than none of us are” doesn’t work.


“Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” 1 Corinthians 6:9-11

The way to remove guilt and shame and pollution is not through acceptance or indulgence, it’s through repentance and removal…it’s by being washed, and sanctified and justified in the name of the Lord Jesus. Through His perfect righteous life and His sin atoning death He satisfies God’s wrath. He took our sin upon Himself canceling the record of debt that stood against us.

He then clothes us in His righteousness so that we may stand before our Father in Heaven, pure and clean and undefiled. Through repentance and faith in Jesus we have been delivered from the domain of darkness and transferred into the kingdom of light. There is no more condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus…no more guilt, and no more shame.

The way for our churches and our nation to heal is through repentance and faith in Jesus and by walking with Him. This is true for all of us, and it is also true for the LGBTQIA+ community. Trying to normalize sin will only bring further pollution and shame upon or churches and nation. The first step to drying out lawn is to turn off the hose…Repent from your sin and come and welcome to Jesus Christ.

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