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Public School: Stupid Is As Stupid Does

Writer's picture: Andy ParkerAndy Parker

Updated: Jan 2, 2024


Bob Dylan was right, “’re going to have to serve somebody, yes indeed…You’re going to have to serve somebody…Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord…But you’re going to have to serve somebody”

There is not one square inch of this universe that Jesus looks at and doesn’t say, “Mine”! It all belongs to King Jesus, the Son of God and He is sovereign over every last bit of it. At the name of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.

The nations have already been given to Him as His heritage and the ends of the earth are His possession. Those who weep and wail and gnash their teeth and rage against Him and the advance of His people will be broken with a rod of iron and dashed in pieces like a potter’s vessel.

Therefore, serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling…and take great joy in knowing that those who take refuge in Him will be blessed. All this to say, that there is nothing that even comes remotely close to resembling neutrality in this world…

“Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.” Matthew 12:30

This is true, not just in part but in whole…and this truth runs all the way down

and all the way through all of creation…and in every area of your life.

“There is not a square inch of ground in heaven or on earth or under the earth in which there is peace between Christ and Satan…If you say that you are ‘not involved’ you are involved on Satan’s side. If you say you are involved in the struggle…in the area of family and in the church, but not in the school, you are deceiving yourself.” R.J. Rushdoony

Therefore, to claim some form of neutrality regarding the education of our children is not only categorically false, and violently stupid, it’s impossible! The government schools are not neutral, they are not even agnostic…if they were truly agnostic they would teach Christianity half the time... They are not agnostic, they are religiously anti-Christian. They hate Jesus, They hate His rule, they hate His word and they hate His people.

There is no neutrality…we will be governed by the Word of God or the word of man. As Dylan said, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord but you gotta serve somebody. To quote the late-Greg Bahnsen regarding neutrality, “they’re not and you shouldn’t be!”

Why should we care? Because as Christians, we are responsible for the education of our

children not the godless state and if we raise our children in the fear and nurture of the Lord, it is not just our homes that will be blessed but also the church and the country…

Wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord…which is not to say that the unregenerate can’t know stuff about stuff, but it is to say that they can’t account for the stuff that they know. Which means they will always exist in a form of epistemological schizophrenia that they are trying to resolve…and when they realize that’s impossible, they will turn on those who expose the irrationality and absurdity of a worldview apart from Jesus, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge…

Education is a chief aspect of image bearing…a disciple is not above his master but it is enough to be like his master…This is not to say that we can make our children Christian or the world Christian through a Christian education, but it is to say that we can teach our children about God, themselves and the world that is distinctively Christian.

As the saying goes, “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world” and after decades of letting the devil rock the cradle and educate our children is it any wonder why we are as self-deceived as we are…up is down, down is up, war is peace, slavery is freedom and ignorance is strength…

Is it any wonder why we think boys can be girls and girls can be boys, whiteness is evil and blackness is not, the English were colonizers but the Indians were not, a mask will reduce covid and spending will reduce inflation…or why we think taking it can will produce a baby (you know because male birthing people), or that not taking it in the can will put you at risk from getting Monkeypox, and that transgenderism is actually a thing other than playing pretend.

All who hate the Lord hate wisdom, and all who hate wisdom love death…and it’s not just death they love, it’s also self-deception….believing, “you can be as god” only makes you like the serpent…you would think that given the unavoidably obvious amount of filth, depravity and rank stupidity produced by the government schools that Christians would have all left a long time ago…but unfortunately they’ll never let go…

I’ll Never Let Go, Jack…Never

Government education used to be like James Cameron’s 1997 smash hit Titanic…Though the movie itself was historically inaccurate, way too long and filled with unnecessary fluff, and mildly inappropriate with a boob shot that is more infamous than Janet Jackson’s at a super bowl half time show…but regardless of how popular the movie was, and how much money it racked…everyone knew how the story was going to end…That ship was going down bringing almost 70% of the passengers with it…which the government would consider zero causalities along with their zero-percent inflation…

Thus is the case with the grand experiment of government education…touted as the most

impressive and amazing invention ever…that ship was bound to sink before it ever left port, of which we are experiencing the glorious fruit thereof…and, as if the 1997 version wasn’t bad enough we are now living through the more culturally representative remake by Amazon, Rose being played by a black transvestite, while Jack is now played by a Gay Mexican dwarf…needless to say, that car scene just got a bit more graphic.

Such is the current state of government education. It’s an absolute clown show, or what Francis Schaeffer would call the theater of the absurd….but in good Orwellian fashion, absurdity is virtue. But regardless, of how freakishly absurd it is, parents, a large portion of them evangelicals, are just like black transvestite Rose…they will never let go of government education, just like he/she will never let go of his/her gay Mexican dwarf lover…who may or may not return in the sequel because he/she/it also self-identified as a mermaid.

If you think that is sad, embarrassing and ridiculous…perhaps even absurd, that’s exactly how you should feel supporting godless government education while claiming to be a Christian. No Jew would ever send their child willingly to a Babylonian school to be educated even though Babylonian schools were well funded and had great sports programs…and yet Christian parents all over our great country seemingly have no problem sacrificing their children on the alter of secularism…

“On any given day from September to June, and agnostic family, a Muslim family, an atheist family, a Buddhist family, and a Christian family all see to it that their children clamber onto the very same yellow school bus and get shuttled off to learn about the world God made, or the world that evolved, or whatever works.” Doug Wilson

This is also probably as good of a time as any to rebuke any, “so-called” conservative who

supports government education in anyway…Why is that? Can’t we all work together to make government schools better? NO! Government schools are by definition, socialistic…in fact, they are THE socialist program because it supports all others in practice and in principle.

That is, everyone agrees about the importance of education because everyone knows at the heart of education is the imputation of a worldview…If the worldview imputed is socialistic and the system for said imputation is socialistic, why on God’s green earth is any one surprised that we have a bunch socialist and commies filling our country.

And yet conservatives will support government education, because they want you to believe that their brand of socialism is somehow better than the LEFTY brand of socialism…Like driving off a cliff at 50 mph is better than driving off a cliff at 100 mph…All this, because you have a sin-laden populace who doesn’t want to take responsibility for raising their children and because the republican party is led by women of both sexes.

As it turns out free government education isn’t very free…kinda like every other government program…also, like every other government program the solution to fixing said failure to said free program is more money. Which will obviously fix everything…given the fact that we spend more on education than any other country in world and have been able to produce stellar numbers like being 39th in math, 24th in reading, and 24th in science…money is obviously the problem…but honestly, who has the time to think about math…when non-binary Ukrainians are under-represented. Given the moral and intellectual turpitude of a Liz Cheney, you would think that conservatives would be able to fix this mess, but alas, we still wait.

Anyone with half a brain can see the inconsistency and contradictory nature of a conservative supporting a socialist program like a faithful husband who only cheats some of the time. If this is so painfully obvious, why can’t evangelicals see that their incessant and passionate support of government schools is the equivalent of good Jews supporting Baal worship. Never mind that Elijah had the prophets of Baal hacked to pieces…that was the Old Testament and we’re called to be nice now.

When we come face to face with reality…in this case, the reality of the church’s ignorance, negligence, and sin we have two choices: repent or double down. And like any good worshipper of Baal we’re still dancing around the alter cutting ourselves, asking Baal to save us…Because driving faster in the wrong direction will most certainly get you where you want to go….if you had a sports car or a government budget - even better.

Honestly, most churches will continue down this rout, no matter how stupid, or godless it is because their entire ministry model is dependent upon the government school system…it’s the best place to recruit for their super-awesome youth ministry called “engage, or ignite, or revive” which is just a fashionable five years behind the public schools…which means they’re still a little uncomfortable with all the cross dressing and the sodomy, but hey, they are missionaries after all…

Actively supporting a godless system (which is exactly what it is) in the name of evangelism is like supporting strip clubs because every time you throw dolla-dolla bills at Desiree while she is giving you a lap dance you share the gospel. There you go, problem solved – evangelicals can justify any amount for rank stupidity and depravity in the name of sharing the gospel…which of course, honors God…but it also brings up the nagging question, as to who is, in fact, being evangelized?

The fact of the matter is, your kids aren’t missionaries and regardless of how many times you tell yourself that, it will not justify your negligence as a parent. These same parents that use this as a justification to support the godless state educational program would never think to send their 10 year-old to a school in Iran, or China, or North Korea…or even Canada because they need to hear to gospel…and yet, they do so, en masse in our own country.

Sending your ten-year old into a government school in the name of evangelism is worse than sending you, a grown adult, into a government building in China and asking you to share the gospel – it’s not going to end well. If you don’t like this example it’s only because you think our brand of godless socialism is somehow more godly than their brand of godless communism. When we propagate godlessness its neutral, but when foreigners do it, its godless. It would seem as though those who hate Christian nationalism are the best nationalists...

Anyway, back to your child being a missionary. You send your child into a school system that is godless and has the full weight of the federal and state government behind it…and tell them to listen and obey their teachers and coaches while at the same time telling them everything those same teachers and coaches believe is wrong and that your child needs to fundamentally change them. But doesn’t that defeat the purpose for sending them to school in the first place? Isn’t a school a place for training and learning? If you disagree at a foundational level – why send your child there?

We cannot effectively resist corruption while simultaneously being partakers of said corruptions, even though we feel bad about it…but like any good crack-head…we don’t feel bad enough to quit. Using evangelism as a justification to change the government schools is No excuse for your sin…it hasn’t worked…and presupposes the obvious – that schools are a godless toilet bowl and need to be changed…

I can’t help but wonder if all of these same parents who are so zealous about their missionary kids would also be equally zealous about Christianizing the schools…what about catechism and Bible classes, what about beginning and ending every class with prayer in the name of Christ and what about holding every thought captive to Christ in every discipline? Is this the end they are striving towards? I don’t think so!

The fact of the matter is, that education has to start somewhere to get anywhere, and when you remove Christ from the equation under the guise of religious neutrality you’re determined in advance to go nowhere. As is the case everywhere else, so too in education, it’s Christ or chaos.

“The school system that ignores God teaches its pupils to ignore God; and this is not neutrality. It is the worst form of antagonism, for it judges God to be unimportant and irrelevant in human affairs. This is atheism.” Gordon H. Clark

At the end of the day, saying your kids are missionaries and are single handedly going to bring down this governmental Leviathan which is your justification for sending them to said Leviathan is negligent and cowardly and will change nothing…You can’t kill Leviathan while continuing to feed it. Therein lies the real rub in the road…Like a LIFE ministry that doesn’t really want to abolish abortion, thus losing their meal-ticket, these parents don’t really want to crush Leviathan’s skull…after all, he makes their life more comfortable…which, is where their real priorities lie…

But Think of the Children

But just think about the children…that’s exactly what I am doing. The underlining assumption of those still supporting government schools is that, if we no longer have government schools than the universe will implode on itself…unfortunately, many Christians think the same way. How could we possibly survive without government schools? The fact of the matter is, we wouldn’t just survive, we would thrive.

We are very quick to forget that centralized public education is the experiment, not

homeschooling of private schools…we can’t remember what happened two weeks ago let alone two hundred years ago…Public education is the experiment, and it is a failed one at that. This is because all education is inherently religious in nature.

“Education is one of the most religious things we do. Consequently, any pretense of religious neutrality in the process of educating children in some plain-vanilla fashion is a myth that will lead to enormous confusion. The myth distorts the nature of knowledge, which is the last thing an educator should do.” Doug Wilson

The ministry of health and education belongs to the sphere of the family, not the state…Indeed, historically, before the Behemoth of government education sought to gobble up the future of this country, all educating was done in the home, at church and through on the job training…

When there was a fear of God, and an understanding of God’s law, people understood that there was a telos, an end to education…God’s glory! They understand that education wasn’t valuable in and of itself…what made education valuable was the content of what was being taught.

The fear of God leads to self-discipline, which leads to discipline in every other sphere…in the home, church and in public…The reason we have so many monsters running around today is because they have been taught by monsters…and it wasn’t as though the alarms weren’t sounded…A.A. Hodge said in the late 1800’s that,

“The United States stem of national popular education will be the most efficient and wide instrument for the propagation of Atheism which the world has ever seen.”

The enemy always takes with his left hand what he promises with his right. Under the guise of neutrality many parents have, and still do sacrifice their children on the alter of atheistic secularism. There has never been, nor will there ever be a separation of the state and religion…it’s impossible.

Therefore, in claiming neutrality, the secularists have gained a monopolistic control of the state, and this was primarily accomplished through our government schools. The propagation of moral relativism doesn’t remove authority from the equation, it just removes any authority that challenges the authority of moral relativism…especially Biblical Christianity.

To quote Doug Wilson again,

“When God is excluded from the classroom, we are not merely remaining silent about God. We are teaching children that they may safely disregard Him. Whether or not God exists, the lesson goes, His existence is irrelevant to what we are doing here. So when God is omitted, we are not silent about Him; rather, we are teaching the children in the most convincing way possible that God is irrelevant.”

In hearing all this, many well-intended Christians revert to well-worn paths declaring the need to evangelize the schools. At this point it is important to step back and take a deep breath so that one can fully understand what we are discussing here…we are not saying that every student and staff member shouldn’t hear the gospel – we long for that…and guess what? That can still happen with all those same people even if there was no such thing as government education, just as it did before government education.

Nor are we talking about Mrs. Lippy, the one stalwart Christian within Leviathan that is saving one poor soul at a time – praise God for Mrs. Lippy…minus the paste. We are talking about a system that is godless and cannot be redeemed…because the state has taken to itself that which God has not given it…to keep it going in the name of evangelism is like smacking some flex tape on the Titanic…which only keeps black tranny Rose operating within the system that much longer…and to be entirely honest, he/she/it has been a lot more effective at winning your kids than you have been at winning theirs.

This is why parents that complain at school board meetings will change nothing! And what does said change even look like? Parents are pissed, and rightly so, their elementary school kids are being taught the merits of anal sex, and that white people, America and Christianity all suck – maybe not in that order…Parents are seeing what their kids are being taught and the creep factor is in full effect and their goal is to draw attention to that and get these sick perverts to knock it off. But then what?

What if these parents are successful and this crap is removed from their kids curriculum, or they get to sit out of said lessons while wearing the scarlet letter. Then what? The people that thought this curriculum should be taught to their kids are still teaching their kids…the administrators are the same and not one of them saw a problem with the garbage being taught…the point is: all of this is being funneled downstream. So parents can complain all day long, but nothing will change – they don’t care…

Not only that, but parents, what do you want to see changed? You’ve been red-pilled…do you now just want the itch factor removed so that you can lull yourself back into a state of

complacency while they pump the same crap in your kids head but now are more conscious about doing it subtly? If you continually send your children to Caesar they will come back acting like Romans regardless of how much you may complain about it along the way.

If your basement is flooding you first find the source of the water and stop it, you don’t get a bucket…which is exactly where we are…you have a lot of Christian parents with buckets, while the government has a firehouse on full force…the only way to get them to stop hosing your kid down is to remove them from the environment of said hosing…

And given that it is all about the children. Let me just ask you to honestly reflect upon a simple question regarding your children: After decades of centralized government education are our children any better off? Have things improved at all? Or could it possibly be that we are seeing the fruit trees that have been tended to for decades just beginning to bud?

Teddy was right in saying,

“to educate a man in mind but not in morals is to educate a menace to society.” He was dead wrong in thinking the government schools could do that. Theodore Roosevelt


It was Martin Luther that said,

“I advise no one to place his child where the Scriptures do not reign paramount. Every institution in which men are not increasingly occupied with the word of God must become corrupt…I am much afraid that schools will prove to be the great gates of hell unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures, engraving them in the hearts of youth.” Martin Luther

The one thing that everyone should be able to agree upon regarding the state of government education in our country is that the Scriptures certainly do not reign paramount in any government school. Not only do they not reign paramount, but they are openly mocked, molested, maligned and ridiculed and if your child…the lamb that you’ve sent to the slaughter loves Jesus and His word and shares the gospel, he too will be mocked, molested, maligned and ridiculed by the very same people that you have given authority over your child. If your response is, “well, they are just learning how to live in a hostile world for Christ.”

I would simply say, “you first, you coward.” You are telling them to sacrifice themselves for

Christ while you won’t even sacrifice some of your time/comfort them – How do you think that story is going to end? - look around!

There is no pleasant way out of the mess that we’ve got ourselves in. The only thing the Left loves more than killing their own kids is taking and indoctrinating yours. Lines have been drawn and there is no going back. The way forward is through the fear of Lord…through sacrifice, hard work, discipline and discomfort…

The way forward is to kink the hose and remove your children from the government school they are in and stop deceiving yourself about what you’re supporting…and start pouring into your children, find a community of people walking the same path. If you don’t want to homeschool there are tons of options, and the more and more people that make this move – there will be even more options available…

Also, completely write off any politician that’s using public schools as anything other than a negative talking point, I don’t care if they have a D or an R in front of their name. If they are promoting public schools they are by definition a socialist and will change nothing for the better…reforming the government schools is like reforming a turd, at the end of the day it will always be a turd.

The options couldn’t be more clear…It is Christ or chaos! “…you’re going to have to serve somebody, yes indeed…You’re going to have to serve somebody…Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord…But you’re going to have to serve somebody”

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The Godly Troublemaker

Shining the light of Christ in the eyes of the idols of our day.

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