A few weeks ago we released episode three, entitled, “Overturning Roe.” In that episode, we declared, in no uncertain terms, that abortion is murder…because you know, the etymology of the word and all…abort literally means to kill, terminate or end…
What is being killed is certainly not the mother, but her unborn child…How can I come to such a rash, sanctimonious conclusion one might ask…Especially given the fact that I am not a medical doctor, nor a biologist…and to top it all off, I’m white…so there’s that. So then, on what do I draw said, conclusion? Well, the mother is able to leave the clinic, while her baby gets flushed down the toilet or, if he/she are too large, gets disposed of in a garbage bag and thrown in the trash.
As one would imagine, given the totalizing investment that both sides have in the abortion debate (because it’s a religious commitment on both sides), and the current talk about Roe being overturned…Episode three was one of our most popular episodes and, as one would imagine, within a short amount of time I received lots of comments, questions, and emails from my ever-bulging fan base.
Given my uncanny ability to make friends and influence people, coupled with my astute
awareness of the needs of others, I took such comments as a cry for more. If I could just
summarize a few of them:
“you’re a f*cking joke, and hate woman…this is a f*cking cult.”
“F*ck off you f*cking f*ck. Maybe instead of sponsoring ads you should use that money to help the women and children you forced birth on. Fake ass Christians. You’re a f*cking joke.”
“Babies are a virus like any other virus.” And “life begins after birth not conception”
“God has killed more babies than anyone.”
“You’re a f*cking clown”.
“A fetus is nothing more than a clump of cells without consciousness.”
“What do you propose to do about all the poverty and crime?”
“Your tax status should be removed”.
“Pastors should shut the f*ck up regarding politics”
“You should be f*cking castrated you f*cking f*ck.”
“How many kids have you adopted you selfish f*ck?”
Now, it’s important to caution, not to get overwhelmed after reading such comments with their linguistic brilliance and rhetorical force, I know, I know…such silver-tongued rhetoric is always intimidating. Also, one may be tempted to ask, why would you even dare to do another episode on abortion when the first one was refuted with such force, such eloquence, such loquaciousness by those who didn’t even listen to it?...where would one even begin?
Well, Perhaps it’s my overestimation of my ability to win friends and influence people, or
perhaps it’s because I can seldom resist a challenge, or perhaps it’s my desire to put the fun back in fundamentalism…either way, I feel the overwhelming weight of obligation to give my furiously effeminate fans (of both sexes what they gotta have), and no it’s not more Cowbell.
The Baby Death Cult
Given the loquaciousness, verbosity and the smooth-tongued articulation of those who weeped and wailed and gnashed their teeth, and such at me (I mean, respectfully disagreed, while being respectful). I thought I would respond to the comments above, but before I do, I think it necessary to saw off the branch that the pro-murderers are sitting on…and that is the branch of “CHOICE”
Now, I addressed this in Episode 3, but it’s important to revisit here. In that episode, I said that no one was arguing that a woman can’t do what she wants with her own body. Herein, lies the obvious point of contention. The baby growing in their mother’s womb is, by definition, not the mother’s body…the baby is a unique human person.
They have their own DNA, fingerprints, nervous system, skeletal system, ten fingers and ten toes, one nose, one mouth and two eyes and two ears, all uniquely their own. Not only that, the baby is either male or female which means they also have the accompanying plumbing and anatomy that goes along with it. Which means that if a mother is carrying a baby boy, it doesn’t mean that the mom just miraculously grew a penis…
Everyone knows this. You would have to be a stark-raving, flaming idiot not to grasp that.
Now, before you accuse me of calling every pro-murderer a stark-raving, flaming idiot I am
doing nothing of the sort, because as I just said, they are not ignorant and everyone knows this.
Every little girl has put a baby doll under their shirt in order to pretend to be pregnant, or they’ve done that with a cotton ball and their Barbie, pretending that she is pregnant…either way, everyone knows from the earliest of ages that what is in a mother’s womb, is her baby, and not her.
Again, everyone knows this. All you have to do is wait for the next celebrity or someone of the ruling class to get pregnant (with a baby) and announce it to the world. For example, when Princess Kate Middleton got pregnant, the entire nation was expected to rejoice with her (and rightfully so), one thing all the talking heads weren’t asking, was whether or not she was going to kill her baby. They were all a-buzz as to whether or not she was going to a male baby, or a female baby.
But then when middle-class Maria gets pregnant, all of a sudden the baby in her womb is a virus and an extension of her baby, and she should be able to do what she wants with her own baby. It’s true, I am not a scientist, but it certainly appears that the only thing that differs from Kate’s womb to middle-class Maria’s womb is not one of physiological nature but rather one of class. Which tells you everything to need to know.
Therefore, I’m not calling the pro-murderers stark-raving flaming idiots because they know exactly what they are doing and they don’t care…so, they shouldn’t be called idiots, they should be called premeditated murderers because it’s more accurate.
Furthermore, to say that someone is pro-choice is about as stupid and ambiguous as saying I’m pro-air…it really means absolutely nothing, and it beside the point. The point is not whether or not someone can make a choice, it’s whether or not them choosing to murder their baby should be codified into law. Asking the simple question, “what are you choosing to do goes a long way.”
The devil is a deceiver and apparently it doesn’t take much these days…But this means that the church of Jesus Christ, should clearly point out how ridiculously stupid the phrase “pro-choice” is…and that by using it, you’re sanctimoniously standing on Satan’s side and pushing perverted platitudes.
Now, regarding the comments of my “critics” (we’ll call them fans because they like that), things get a little more difficult to respond to because their arguments and comments are so multi-layered in their brilliance, but I will try and do my best. As to those who say that I hate woman…I would simply say nuh uh
I think that allowing, encouraging, or even manipulating a woman into murdering her baby is hating woman. Those great lovers of woman should tell them the effect that killing their baby will have on them: Like increased chances of depression, anxiety, addiction, suicide and mental illness. Increased chances of infertility, divorce, abuse of all kinds, and complications with future pregnancies.
There is absolutely nothing about violently invading a woman’s womb and violently murdering her baby that is good for women. Not only that, let me point out the obvious while being obviously pointed: we don’t think any babies should be murdered, which just so happens to include the female ones.
To the person that called me a f*cking f*ck while at the same time being a f*cking joke and encouraging me to f*ck myself for promoting on social media…particularly, Episode three on abortion. I would simply say that your response was proof of its effectiveness, and it would appear as though the last laugh is on you. So, perhaps, If I may be so bold…it would appear as though it was a good f*cking joke that you didn’t get which makes you the butt of it.
As to the person who said that babies are a virus, I would simply say that just makes the person making that statement a much, much larger virus…if babies are human a virus and, I am a human, by definition then, I am a much, much bigger version of that…if that’s truly the case, all of our focus should be on irradicating the bigger problem.
What about life beginning after birth and not at conception? I would want to ask that person, what do they think was happing…growing/developing/moving/responding before birth? Did the brain and the heart and the nervous system, and so on of the child only begin to work after it went through the birth canal?
After the baby went through the birth canal was there a difference in the size of the baby? Was there a difference in the level of dependency or development of the baby? Sure, the baby changed locations, but that doesn’t mean the baby was any less a baby in the womb any more than a car is less a car in the garage.
Yes, but God has killed more babies than anyone. Yes and Amen, and we never apologize for God who is the giver and taker of life…This world is filled with evil, and sin and sickness and death and disease, and we can have a debate over primary and secondary causation, but that’s not what’s happening here. The pro-murderers have no problem with the taking of life which the above statement testifies too. Their problem is that they are not God.
As far as being a fucking clown goes…well, I’m not the one attending parades dressed like one. But to the intellectual brilliance of the person that said a fetus is nothing more than a clump of cells…I would just like to respond by asking, Aren’t all living things a “clump of cells”…this is about as stupid as saying lumber is just a clump of wood. And as far as consciousness goes, who has the ability and authority to determine what that is and when it occurs…the same idiots that can’t tell the difference between a boy and a girl – No Thanks!
Now, to the genius that asked what I propose to do about all the poverty and crime, I would humbly point out that we have been murdering babies for five decades in our country, primarily in our inner cities – has that reduced poverty and crime? Nope. I would argue that abortion has actually increased poverty and crime because it destroys the family, destroys self-discipline and the taking of responsibility, has increased state-dependency, and completely devalued life across the board. Again, this is an argument based on presumptions regarding class and race…that’s pretty messed up.
“Pastors should shut the fuck up regarding politics” …this is nothing more than attempt to get pastors to “shut the fuck up” regarding everything. To anyone who thinks that way…I would merely respond by saying, you first!
Now to the person who thinks it would be morally upright and just for me to be castrated because I believe that babies should not be murdered, I would just like to point out that I am not the one who believes self-mutilation is righteous and would argue that you should put your money where your mouth is and prove to the world how righteous you are by living consistently within your principles.
As to how many kids I have adopted the answer is none. This is stupid. Think about what is being said. Because you haven’t legally taken care of someone’s else’s child you have no right to say that someone can’t kill their own child. And why exclude this argument to children? If I haven’t adopted any children do I also have no right to say that others shouldn’t be murdered? And why is it that adoption becomes the litmus test? Well, because, life is valuable, and one exhibits the value of said life by welcoming an unwanted child into their home…I hate to point out the obvious again, but the presumptions contained in the argument actually destroy the argument.
Lastly, what about cases of rape and incest? If the presumption is (and it is) that rape and incest are so horrible that a girl/woman who experiences said horror should be able to murder her baby, I agree with the presumption of the heinousness of rape and incest. I would just like to ask why you want to kill the baby and not the actual incestuous rapist?
I agree, wholeheartedly that the incestuous rapist (or any rapist for that matter) should be put to death because it’s biblical…and I also believe that if they were swiftly executed we would greatly reduce the 1% of abortions that occur for such reasons. But to those who think the baby should be murdered and not the rapist I would say that you are a sick, hypocritical bastard who is using the trauma and horrors of others to support your death cult.
I have said it before, and I will say it again here. Our country is a powder-keg and Roe is the match. There is no middle ground here, no compromised position, no settlement to be rendered, despite the Republicans best efforts to compromise and only whore themselves out a little bit less than the democrats. At the end of the day, we are only left with two options: wisdom or folly, life or death, Christ or chaos.