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Writer's pictureAndy Parker

School Shootings

Updated: Dec 29, 2023


As the old political adage goes, “Never let a tragedy go to waste” …in light of recent shootings, particularly, school shootings, both left and right are rushing to the public square to convince everyone of the necessity of their position, and the grandeur of their person. Unfortunately, given the moral turpitude of said, politicians and pundits on both sides it’s the equivalent of watching monkey’s do math.

Although, I suppose it can be kinda funny watching monkey’s chuck poop at each other at the zoo…I would remind you that, said poop-chucking is only funny because they are in a controlled environment and are unable to chuck poop at you. Regrettably, these monkeys, or rather, jackasses and elephants…operate in the public square and we are all privy to their intellectual and moral brilliance which is the equivalent of being covered in monkey shit.

As Christians. We have a responsibility to think through these things Christianly…To hold every thought captive to Christ. To root every thought, word and deed in the infallible law-word of God…God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Obedience brings stability and blessings not just to individuals but to nations. Disobedience brings curses upon, not just individuals but also nations. The fool begins with the presupposition that there is no God…given that’s his foundation, any conclusion or solution that is proposed by him will end in utter folly.

So, we stand against the world (left and right) for the sake of the world. You may say, at this point, “you sell out…are you proposing some form of compromise between the left and the right?” Absolutely not! The left and leftist ideology is damnable and an abomination before the Lord and putting the words progressive or woke before the title Christian is simply to declare that you’re not…Christian that is.

However, to side with the right, simply because they claim to be on the right, is a gross

compromise and is not right. It is true, that the author of Ecclesiastes says that the wise man’s heart inclines him to the right, but the fool’s heart to the left (10:2). This assumes that we can still tell the difference between left and right, or that we are working with the same standard. However, if both cars are driving on the left-hand side of the road the one that is less left is still not right…and this is exactly where we find ourselves…with those who are right by comparison but not by nature or principle which makes them all wrong.

That is, the conservatives only look conservative by comparison, but not because they are

actually conservative (they’ve conserved nothing)…they are actually progressives with a

lowercase p and not an uppercase P…and when Progressives with an upper case become the standard of one’s conservative chops we all look like a bunch of jackasses in the end. So, In the immortal words of that great theologian Stone Cold Steve Austin, “You Suck”

And the reason they both suck is because they are both operating outside of the fear of God. One does so, with the same flamboyancy of an LGBTQIA+ parade, and the other does so coasting on the fumes and remnants of their Puritan forebearers who actually feared God. They are ultimately two-sides of the same coin…the starting point is the same for both: man, whom they believe is the measure of all things. Which makes them fools. Consequently, when either tribe talks of rationality, brute factuality or neutrality…you can rest assured that you are dealing with someone who is ignorant at best, and a deceiver at worst.

Either way, if you get in the unbelievers plane you are going to arrive at the unbeliever’s

destination…though, admittedly, when the left is flying they have a propensity to fly much

faster. This is, in no way, an endorsement or support of those who are destined for destruction, but are moving towards that end more slowly.

To vote for someone on the right as opposed to the left, is in no way, an affirmation of

everything they may or may not propose. It is simply to acknowledge the dreadful state of

affairs that our country finds itself in. That is, we’re all stuck in the monkey cage, and if I’m going to have poop chucked at me I would prefer it come from the baby gorilla and not the full grown silver back who just got done eating a full helping of Taco Bell and is rapidly making a run for the border…which seems to me to be the best description of the Democratic party I have ever heard. But again, this is in no way, a support of the smaller turd being thrown at me by the right.

All this to say, that when we approach this topic we want to keep from driving off the road to the left or the right…which is to say we want to stay on the straight path labeled the fear of God…Knowing that having a “D” in front of your name is usually a clear indication of the demonic and that having in “R” in front of your name indicates a level of retardery whether mild or severe, either way, we would prefer to not find ourselves in either ditch.

Stupid is as Stupid Does

Now regarding the matter of school shootings, it’s horrible, it’s heinous, it’s evil. Now, I can say that because I’m a Christian and my worldview supports that. Not only the existence of good and evil, but that human beings are made in the image and likeness of God and have inherent dignity, value and worth because of that – from womb to tomb.

I do not mean to be insensitive in any way, shape or form…I truly do not…because what is lying behind all of this madness are parents whose children have been murdered, and given that our “justice system” is a gross, bastardized, man-centered version of justice, which means it’s devoid of actual justice, these poor parents will never get any respite of justice in this life.

Being a father of five I am incredibly mindful of that…but for every pundit and politician trying to wax-eloquent, and pontificate over things of which they are ill equipped to handle…and not just that, but they can’t even open their mouths without wrapping the rope around their own necks…Damnable hypocrites, the whole lot of them.

They remove any mention of the Triune of God Scripture from the government schools and make a mockery of our Lord Jesus Christ. They tell kids they are the product of one great big meaningless cosmic fart…and tell them there is no meaning, no purpose, no telos in life, but then, they should follow their hearts and that’s how they find meaning, but even a second grader is smart enough to figure out that if there is no meaning anywhere, then whatever they may pursue by default can’t be meaningful.

These same demonic bastards (who have the pronoun they/them, or rather Legion) have removed all forms of abstinence programs from the schools under the guise of separation of church and state, but then go on to teach the merits of gay ass sex, cross-dressing, and lesbianism to those elementary schoolers. (but I’m sure your school board meetings will change that).

Not only that, these same retards, that want to murder babies all the way up to the time of delivery and sometime thereafter…are now ready to confiscate every single gun from every single law-abiding citizen of this country because the loss of just ONE child, is ONE too many.

They mock, malign, manipulate and molest any form of Biblical Christianity, but then when they think it could benefit them in any way they try and pirate in concepts (like evil), that can only be justified through the same worldview they just denied.

But back to my insensitivities and such…according to their worldview…Who says that it’s

wrong or evil to mow down children? Outside of Christianity, you can only say that you don’t like it, or that you don’t prefer it, but again, why? According to the worldview taught in every single government school in our country, children are nothing more than decorated stardust, or if will, skidmarks left over from a cosmic fart.

According to their worldview, human beings have no dignity, value or worth…and since natural selection is driven by the survival of the fittest we should actually celebrate this because the collective gene pool just got stronger…Of course this is disgusting and violently stupid, and their tears show that their life and worldview is a house of cards…or maybe it’s more like faux-brick – it looks pretty until it actually has to support something.

The vast majority of those serving in our government hate God. Is it any wonder then, that our secular government schools are godless to the core. They are not neutral! If you sow the wind you will reap the whirlwind.

“The school system that ignores God teaches its pupils to ignore God; and that is not neutrality. It is the worst form of antagonism, for it judges God to be unimportant and irrelevant in human affairs. This is atheism.” Gordon H. Clark
“Education is one of the most religious things we do. Consequently, any pretense of religious neutrality in the process of educating children in some plain-vanilla fashion is a myth that will lead to enormous confusion. The myth distorts the nature of knowledge, which is the last thing an educator should do.” Doug Wilson

G.K. Chesterton once said,

“When men stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing; they believe in anything.”

Like I’m a transgender, mermaid, centaur from Bolivia with the preferred pronoun of zed. Now, if you think that sounds mentally deranged, asinine, idiodic or violently stupid, I would agree. However, I will say that it is nowhere near as violently stupid as thinking any type of solution can be provided by the same godless government (left or right) that

helped create this problem in the first place.

The point is, because there is no fear of God in them (left or right), any solutions to school shootings specifically or school violence generally, will ultimately do more harm than good, because it doesn’t honor God, or acknowledge Him as such.

Before we look at some of the remarkably stupid solutions offered, let me just propose one that would remove any-and-all government school shooting and violence guaranteed. Shutting down every government school would stop the problem overnight. Obviously, if there are no government schools there would be no government school shootings. Not to mention the fact that the role of the government is not to educate your children…and when you send your child to Caesar to be educated you shouldn’t be surprised when he acts like a Roman.

Some may argue, that simply shutting down our government schools wouldn’t keep young men from committing acts of violence. This is true, however, it would remove the instruction (rather indoctrination) in the ideology that gives warrant & justification to said acts. If you want to dry out the yard, the first step is to turn off the damn hose.

Now, to the solutions provided…It will be easy to deal with the demoncrats first, given that they only have one. Take all guns away (except from them or their security)…which is funny that they don’t think this is reductionistic, but closing all government schools is. Of course, anyone with half a brain knows that more restrictive guns laws don’t reduce gun violence but rather perpetuate it because those who commit said crimes don’t obey the laws in the first place.

They may say, “yes, but if there were no guns, there would be no mass shootings.” First of all, this would be impossible because it wouldn’t remove unregistered or illegal guns…it would just make them all illegal which means the only people that wouldn’t have them would be those who desire to obey the law, which are the very people that should have them.

Not only that, mass gun ownership is embedded into the very sum and substance and history of our nation and yet mass shootings, particularly of the government school variety are a relatively new phenomena which ironically corresponds to stricter and stricter gun laws.

With the rank-and-file street level demoncrat, you have a Frankenstein’s monster phenomena going on. That is, people are basically good (even though no such thing objectively exists, according to them), it’s just their environment that lets them down, and makes them do bad things. And since, people do bad things with guns, it must be the bad guns that made the good people do the bad things.

The actual demoncrats that hold office, don’t believe any of the crap they pedal. They don’t even have a problem with guns, gun ownership or even giving them away. They just have a problem with American citizens owning them. Which is why our government had no problem giving 2000 guns to the Mexican cartels, or why Our incontinent resident in chief just give 300,000 guns to the Taliban/ISIS…to make the world a safer place…Let’s Go Brandon.

Every image-bearer of God has the right to defend their person, property and people…any

government that wants to take this away is not only violating the law-word of God, but are also the very people you should have your sights set on which our founding fathers knew all too well.

Now to the Republicans. Admittedly, their proposals are not as openly stupid, however, this does not mean that they are not as equally stupid. Let’s start with mental health…Whenever there is any type of violent attack…the left, but mostly the right cries, mental health, mental health, mental health as if it is some type of magic talisman that explains everything. And, if we could just hit these nut jobs up with the right chemical cocktail then all would be solved.

Unfortunately, this solves nothing…At least one of the common variables amongst these

shooters is that they were all diagnosed with something and put on a chemical cocktail because that’s somehow supposed to fix everything. You would think there would be at least one adult in the room that would see a correlation between pumping unstable young men full of some really strong drugs and them going nutsy coo-coo, but science!

Also, Let me just ask you a question, who gets to define “mental health”. I always get a little nervous and my butt starts to pucker when I hear politicians throwing out ambiguous terms like this as if we all know what it means but no one has to define it. What this will amount to is politicians using this stigmatized term to describe their opposition…i.e., being mentally unfit.

Not only that, do you want the same retards who can’t tell the difference a boy and a girl,

determining who is and who is not mentally healthy? Or, do really want the same “Scientists” that forced the entire country to shut down, mask up and get vaccinated determining what mental fitness is? Not to mention the fact, the problem isn’t with mental health per se, it’s with murder. If we said, everyone who commits murder is mentally unhealthy, I would agree, but only because they’ve given into their sinful desires.

I’m also incredibly apprehensive when pundits and politicians associate two things as being inevitably locked at the hip. In this case, mental health and violent crime, and given that a good chunk of young men have been diagnosed with something this puts a big fat target on their back. Not from a shooter who is looney tunes, but from some administrator or bureaucrat who is a well-intended moral busybody that will ruin your life because they are so well-intended.

How about the “hardening” schools…which is a really stupid way of saying, making the schools more secure. Because nothing is more conducive to learning than going to prison…but the schools already promote the Sodomy so I guess there half way there. And there has been security at some of these schools and they have been about as effective as the American trained Iraqi forces…when the fire fight starts, they bounce.

Another solution that I love, is arming all the teachers which is about the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. First of all, if a teacher has their CPL they should already be carrying. Even though they have a constitutional right to carry, they can’t because schools are gun-free zones – which has been a smashing hit. All this has done is neutered willing and capable people from not only defending themselves but also their students.

You may ask, “So why not let them all carry and go through training, this would allow the above mentioned to carry?” Well, those people should already be carrying, but it doesn’t fix the problem to have every teacher carrying. Some of these teachers are freaking insane…if you just listen to some of the crap being taught in public schools or have watched any of the libtards on tiktok those are the last people in the world I would ever want to see anywhere near a firearm.

What about Red-Flag laws? There are actually “conservatives” floating this out there now under the pretense that these laws would stop attacks before they happen. The only thing these laws would stop is any white, Christian conservative from owning a gun. Given that speech is now violence (or just being white is violence), it seems like a pretty easy way to disarm anyone who disagrees with you. And, since when is it ok, to remove someone’s objective right to defend themselves based on someone else’s subjective opinion that that person could be a potential threat?

Again, monkey’s doing math. Often times it’s the questions you don’t ask, or can’t, or won’t that determines the outcome as much as the ones you do. Here’s one for you, is it the role of the government to educate your children or is it the job of the parent? For Christians, this is an obvious answer – it’s the parents job. Here is another one, after 100 yrs-ish of trying this social experiment known as state education, has it worked? In producing ignorant serfs? Yes. In producing anything else of value? No. So why then is abolition not on the table?

And, given that all of these shooters have gone through the public system, one might be tempted to say that they were radicalized there. Or, what about the effects of fatherlessness on every single one of these shooters? Maybe creating a culture of promiscuity mixed with hard women and soft men wasn’t such a good idea after all!

Here’s another question that will twist your giblets up. How many of these kids have been raised in daycares? Or here’s another, if tobacco companies could be sued for not having adequate warnings on a pack of cigarettes why it that pharmaceutical companies and doctors are able to prescribe (at random and without repercussion) drugs that would make most cartels blush.

Another contributing factor to all of this is a justice system that is a cancerous rot all the way and all the way through because the state has abandoned the fear of God and put itself in the place of God. The state’s role is not to extend grace or mercy or charity of rehabilitation…their role is to execute justice according to God’s word and when they don’t do that we quickly discover that the mercies of the wicked are cruel. Governments at any level can’t stop crimes from happening, but they can deter them. Not by trying to be God but by exalting Him through righteous laws.

“We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst.” C.S. Lewis

Until repentance gets deep down in our bones, nothing proposed by the left or the right will change anything.


John Adams wrote,

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

Interestingly enough, Adams himself was driving on the fumes of his puritan parents, but he, at least knew that the Republic would not stand if the people did not fear the Lord.

Thus, here we find ourselves, with the inmates running the asylum.

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Prov. 1:9

Unless, there is massive repentance in our land, that is, a turning from our sin and folly and a turning towards Christ and seeking His law, His wisdom, His grace we will continue to drive faster in the wrong direction. This is seen clearly in our incessant, constant and obsessive need to treat symptoms rather than causes.

Guns are not the boogyman, they are not even the problem…sin is the problem, I’m the problem, you are the problem, rebellion against God’s norms is the problem and until we come to terms with that and plead the mercies of the Lord the only thing that will change will be the means and methods used to exercise said depravity. Guns are nothing more than a tool, and every third person named Mohammad knows a dirty bomb is much more cost effective and causes way more damage.

We can’t remove all violence from a fallen world, but we can provide the proper worldview, framework, and standard with which to think through said violence…and the greater the proclamation, propagation and infiltration that the Christian gospel makes in our culture the better off we’ll all be as a result.

Guns are here to stay and amen for that. They are an effective tool for protecting and providing for your family. They can cause the Mohammadans and Secularists to think twice before exercising their jihad (religious or secular). And they remind power hungry, scumbag politicians to tread lightly. The repercussions of removing or even restricting the use of that tool from God fearing people will not only be unproductive and is completely unrelated to the actual crimes committed, but will be the final nail in the coffin of a nation which has been on life-support for some time.

It's not a matter of whether but which. It is not a matter of whether or not people will own guns, it’s a matter of which people will own them. And when the godless state that has abandoned the law of God gets involved to “HELP” they only make matters violently worse, by punishing the innocent and exalting the wicked (just ask anyone living in Chicago).

It is Christ of chaos. It’s not a matter of whether but which. It’s not a matter of whether you will worship, but rather which god you will worship. Jesus is not only the way the truth and the life, He is the resurrection and the life. He brings the dead to life, healing, redeeming, restoring, reviving and making new. Through repentance and faith in Him, He can do that to you, your household and our nation. All who reject Him love death even if they are well intended.

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