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Writer's pictureAndy Parker

Transvestitism & The Devil

Updated: Dec 16, 2023


I’m not terribly old yet, but I’m not a spring chicken anymore either, not by any stretch, but I still vaguely remember the Year of Lord 2020. I remember a whole lot of things, even things outside of all the covid tyranny and insanity. Things like race riots, those were fun. I remember how we were told over and over again that once you become a police officer you instantly, by some sort of mythical powers outside of oneself, become a racist. We were told that black people were being targeted by these orcs in uniform, and how it was hunting season in our cities.

True or false, it didn’t matter. Now, in order to correct this grievous injustice that may or may not be true, it doesn’t matter because it was so bad that we need to treat it like it is true. The way to fix all of this potential, hatred for black people, was for young middle class white people to burn down cities, particularly in black neighborhoods to show our solidarity with them, by destroying their homes and business – stupid racism.

I even remember non-racist politicians who love the black community, like Mitt Romney

marching in protest with some black people, whom he just meet and just realized there were blacks in our country too. I remember these mobs, I mean communities of peaceful people seeking justice by marching down the streets chanting, “Fuck your Jesus” and “no justice no peace” in order to fix this problem of systemic racism that was systemically bad and institutional and stuff.

But the reason I’m currently taking this trip down memory lane in my old-ish age and stuff, is because of one such chant that I remember, but ironically I haven’t heard recently. That is the chant of “Remember their name.” This was chanted at peaceful protests, because anytime a black person (whom we know to be inherently good), is shoot and killed by a police office (who of necessity, is inherently white) it is inherently unjust, and we must remember the victims names, in order to correct said injustice, by said whities regardless of the color of their skin.

Seeing this to be a good idea, and a great way to memorize legitimate victims, and not a political ploy at all, you can imagine my surprise when there was dead silence regarding the six victims that were just maliciously gunned down in Nashville Tennessee at Covenant School. The six victims were Evelyn Dieckhaus – 9 years old, Hallie Scruggs – 9 years old, and William Kinney, who was also 9 years old, and Cynthia Parks – 61 years old, Mike Hill – 61 years old, and Katherine Koonce – 60 years old.

At first, I couldn’t understand why there were no peaceful protests, and why there was no call to remember their names. But as I thought about it, it all made sense. These people were all white, with the exception of Mike Hill, who was a black man but obviously must have become white because he worked at a Christian school. Also, these people can’t be remembered in anyway – they were Christians and must have contributed to this horrible crime in some way.

Well, low-and-behold as we dig deeper we find out that the murderous, insane shooter was a tranny. This poor victimized, and well-grounded woman who thought she was a man, was just trying to live her best life now. Everything was going well until these damn white Christians ruined all of it. What did Evelyn Dieckhaus, Hallie Scruggs, William Kinney, Cynthia Parks, Mike Hill and Katherine Koonce do to this poor, well-grounded and obviously innocent tranny?

Well, nothing specifically, but we know for certain that they must exist in a class of people that is not actively affirming of the trans community (whatever that is). This was such an act of violence that this lack of affirmation traumatized this normally well-grounded community to such a degree that they have been forced to defend themselves…and oh yeah, the guns made her do it, and mental health and stuff.

Where are all of our leaders one might ask? Because they are so busy leading and stuff, we can rest assured that this will never happen again, as they stand with the trans community (whatever that is), and write new legislation restricting the purchase of military assault weapons, so that these horrible weapons will no longer make trans-people do bad things, thus further deepening their victim status.

Trannies & The Devil

Our culture has become like a giant, soft pile of dog shit on freshly fallen snow on a quant December morning. Perhaps, if you will, like the chunk at the beginning of an overly long skid mark. Or perhaps like an embarrassingly large turd that won’t flush, which not only causes laughter and tears at the same time, but also causes you to question all of your life decisions.

If me using such descriptive language to describe our culture makes you feel uncomfortable, I would argue, that’s my point. If me violating every nice Christian Shibeleth that we have makes you feel uncomfortable, I would argue that said madness has advanced rapidly while maintaining said Shibeleths and that could possibly be part of the problem.

Never mind that we are pumping kids full of hormones and hormone blockers and cutting their genitals off – he said word “shit”, so let’s just get our priorities straight shall we. If your response regarding said shit talk, particularly its height, and breadth and depth and length is that of disgust, I would say that’s my point.

The wide-spread tolerance, acceptance and promotion of transvestitism, is far worse, far more crass, far more vulgar and far more disgusting than anything that I described above, and if I can get you to associate the two, than good. What’s happening culturally is an end of nation phenomenon, that at best will cause great harm and immeasurable damage in generations to come, and at worst, there will be no generations to come.

Transvestitism, is not simply an alternative lifestyle choice, like one choosing to live in the city or the country. It is absolute rebellion against the Almighty Triune God of the Scripture. And its cultural proliferation is a sign of God’s present and future wrath upon a people.

All this to say, that no matter what way you cut up this pig, it ain’t going to be pretty, or if you will, whichever way we turn there are miles upon miles of bad road in front of us, all because of us. The fact of the matter is, that when you begin to entertain something as depraved and wicked as transvestitism within a culture it will become harder and harder to repent of and correct without great pain – the likes of which we simply do not have any resolve for as a people. However, if it’s not repented of, regardless of the pain that will necessarily occur from righting this ship, it will completely destroy a people.

Let me explain why this is, theologically, and then give you a historical example of what

happens when we fully abandon God, and are abandoned by God. Human beings were made in the image and likeness of God. We are the only copy creatures in all of creation. We were made to worship, and given our nature, we will reflect what we worship, or if you will, we become like what we behold. We gravitate towards what our affections are set upon.

To gaze upon the glory of God, to walk with Him and dwell in his presence brings fullness of joy, but it also brings His blessings, and order and fruitfulness and everything that follows. To rebel against the Author of life, is to rebel against all that He is. It is to deny reality as such, the consequence of which has profound ethical and epistemological implications.

So then, we become like what we worship. God is Triune, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is self-existent and exists in perfect harmony within Himself…perfect in love and unity – One God in three Persons. He is all-powerful and all-knowing, His love is perfect and He is altogether holy. His will and his law is good, and to dwell with Him is life-giving because He is the Author of life.

To worship something else, is to corrupt and pervert reality, it is to live a lie, and is to break the law. The end result of turning from God is not only disunity and disharmony with God, self and creation. It is a distortion and destruction of creation and everything contained therein, including one’s self…the ultimate result of those who hate God is death…To deny God His glory ultimately ends in suicide or genocide.

All this to say, that when we pervert God’s image we are saying something about God to the rest of His creation. We are saying this is what God is like. So, to jigger with God’s design for male and female roles is to misrepresent God. To take that a step further and engage in homosexual behavior, and even further to normalize it, is to grossly pervert what God is like because you have removed diversity from the equation, which is one reason why said practice is called an abomination.

Transvestitism is to grossly pervert one of the most basic and wonderful orthodox doctrines, that being, the immutability of God. Transvestites, through their profession and their behavior are saying that God is like a wax nose, changing and changeable, unsettled. Or, if you will, chaotic. If chaos is all there ever was, is, or will be, you will only ever produce chaos and death.

So then, when we see such a gross exercise and acceptance of sexual confusion and perversion it is a clear and unquestionable sign of demonic activity…not just when practiced, but also approved of in any way. I believe said judgment is clearly seen in the Scriptures, particularly God’s judgment upon Jerusalem. Not just through her destruction by the Romans in A.D. 70 but also in the horrors leading up to said destruction.

As the people abandoned God and rejected His Christ, He turned them over to a wicked and depraved mind to do what ought not to be done. Josephus says that the people lost all ability to reason (which should sound a wee bit familiar)…with frenzied mobs attacking each other…people starving to death…fathers slaughtering their own families, and mothers eating their own children…

John describes the first woe of judgment as follows:

“In appearance the locusts were like horses prepared for battle: on their heads were what looked like crowns of gold; their faces were like human faces, their hair like women's hair, and their teeth like lions' teeth; they had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the noise of their wings was like the noise of many chariots with horses rushing into battle. They have tails and stings like scorpions, and their power to hurt people for five months is in their tails. They have as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek he is called Apollyon.” Revelation 9:7-11

John is describing the unleashing of demonic activity upon the holy city in symbolic and

apocalyptic language. This swarming multitude is led by Abaddon which is Hebrew for

destruction and Apollyon which Greek for destroyer…the result was chaos. He led his locusts like a legion of demons through Jerusalem that wreaked havoc on the city…they had men’s faces (they were men and had an intellect), but hair like women (perverse effeminacy to these men…that is, they were trannies)

They were fierce and violent (they had lion’s teeth), breastplates of iron (they appear

invulnerable), they sting like a scorpion (they are poisonous and bring death)…they sound like angels but they are wicked…Josephus describes what it was like in Jerusalem before it’s destruction.

“while their inclination to plunder was insatiable, as was their zeal in searching the houses of the rich; and for the murdering of the men, and abusing of the women, it was sport to them. They also devoured what spoils they had taken, together with their blood, and indulged themselves in feminine wantonness, without any disturbance, till they were satiated therewith; while they decked their hair, and put on women's garments, and were besmeared over with ointments; and that they might appear very comely, they had paints under their eyes, and imitated not only the ornaments, but also the lusts of women, and were guilty of such intolerable uncleanness, that they invented unlawful pleasures of that sort.
And thus did they roll themselves up and down the city, as in a brothel-house, and defiled it entirely with their impure actions; nay, while their faces looked like the faces of women, they killed with their right hands; and when their gait was effeminate, they presently attacked men, and became warriors, and drew their swords from under their finely dyed cloaks, and ran every body through whom they alighted upon.” Josephus, Wars 4.9.10

So when you have evangelical leaders promoting the exercise of homo & tranny hospitality in the name of being winsome, we should fully understand that they are being winsome, but it is not for Christ – it is for the devil. And not only that, they’re actively promoting the destruction of our civilization as we know it.

The level of depravity was epic in Jerusalem before it’s destruction. However, as bad as they were and for all of the horrors that descended upon that city as a result, I’m pretty confident they never had tranny story hour…I’m pretty sure they never taught homo-history at the local public school. I’m pretty sure they never cut kids genitals off and pumped them full of hormones. I’m pretty sure they never invited trannies to the national prayer breakfast.

All that to say that our level of depravity is epic, even if we’ve coated it with a thin sanitized, pious gloss. And we may be tempted to think that we are at the bottom of the slide, however, I would argue that the snowball was just dropped at the top of the hill and has just begun to roll. Transvestitism is demonic and is a sign of God’s judgment upon a nation. And when those demons come prancing out of the closet you can bet your bottom dollar that all hell is going to break loose.

You can’t flirt with the devil. You can’t tolerate the devil. You can’t accept the devil. He is a

destroyer, and all he knows is destruction and death. If you dance with the devil, the devil don’t change – he changes you. Now a good number of people are very concerned, as well they should be. It’s just incredibly sad that it took the local drag queen putting his dick in front of your kids faces for us to get there…but go ahead and keep complaining at your school board meetings, I’m sure you’ll make a difference with the very same people that principally thought that would be a good idea.


There were six victims at Covenant School on that horrible day: Evelyn Dieckhaus, Hallie

Scruggs, William Kinney, Cynthia Parks, Mike Hill and Katherine Koonce. But that tranny was not one of them and the fact that anyone in the media or the church would describe her as a victim is a sign that we have miles upon miles of bad road in front of us.

What should the saints do? First, I think we need to remember that even the devil is God’s devil and that judgment begins at the household of God. Much of this madness is the result of a weak, cowardly and separatist church which was on full display like any good tranny at story hour during three plus years of covid.

While others would prefer spending more time bitching about tertiary issues in the church than with the all-out assault from the outside. Trannies are catechizing and killing our kids while half the church is more afraid of Christian Nationalism, and the other half is espousing the virtues of head coverings. Am I exaggerating to make a point? Yep.

Is a healthy debate on Christian Nationalism important? Yep, but the fact that some are more up in arms about that than they are about trannies killing kids shows how desperately needed it actually is (Christian Nationalism that is) and how terribly tone deaf they are (I may or may not be speaking about G3). What about a head coverings debate? Sure…I guess that would be helpful for the five people that want to have it, that are the Christian equivalent of a handful of Comic-Con dorks. Priorities…Priorities…

Our culture will never repent if we don’t show them how, and the culture will never turn unless we can show them where to turn to find a safe haven and refuge from a dead and dying world.

Turning to Christ is the only answer….the only thing that can restore a dead people is resurrection. There are only two options at the end of the day and every last one of us is moving in one of the two directions: It’s Christ or chaos, life or death.

Second, I think saying that we should pray is a gross understatement – of course we

should…constantly and without ceasing…but how? With imprecatory prayers. Even the

Martyred saints plea for vengeance before the throne of God, and God in His grace, heard their prayer and poured out His wrath upon Jerusalem.

“God has given us numerous examples of imprecatory prayers, showing repeatedly that one aspect of a godly man’s attitude is hatred for God’s enemies and fervent prayer for their downfall and destruction…Why then do we not see the overthrow of the wicked in our own time? An important part of the answer is the unwillingness of the modern Church to pray Biblically; and God has assured us: You do not have because you do not ask (James 4:2). But the first-century Church, praying faithfully and fervently for the destruction of apostate Israel, had been heard at God’s heavenly alter. His angels were commissioned to strike.” David Chilton

Unless we can get to that point, that list of names that we should remember, is going to get a whole lot longer, and the devil would have it to be so – however, I would strongly warn you against being his accomplice.

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