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Writer's pictureAndy Parker

Woman, Make Me A Sandwich

Updated: Jan 2, 2024


Chesterton said it best,

“Feminism is mixed up with the muddled idea that women are free when they serve their employers but slaves when they help their husbands.” G.K. Chesterton

When we exchange the truth of God for a lie, what we find is not freedom, nor empowerment, but rather slavery & servitude…When you exchange lady wisdom for lady folly in order to have your best life now through the smashing of the patriarchy you soon discover that, said smashing, came at an immeasurable cost…Like a once pretty 22 year old who had her whole life in front of her, but decided to smoke meth and two years later has half of her teeth and looks like a 66 year old cancer patient who’s been fasting for the last couple weeks.

Feminism is a lie straight out of the devil’s crack and the daughters of Eve have been susceptible to that lie from the very beginning…“You can be as God” is always a tempting lie, but nonetheless, it is a lie. We cannot rebel against God’s created order, or His law without great cost to ourselves…a cost that ultimately ends in death…but spirals down the toilet bowl until it hits that point.

To kick against nature is neither wise, nor prudent, nor even possible…a leopard can’t change its spots any more than we can change our nature…it’s baked into the cake. So putting perfume on a turd makes it no more a flower than putting boobs on Bruce Jenner makes him a woman. And no matter how advanced and progressive we become, as evidenced in the number of chicks with dicks who win “woman of the year” – in the end, rebelling against the word of God is nothing more than a race to the bottom, a chasing after the wind…

In rebelling against God, we thought we could advance His good creation, but in the end, have only defiled it…We’ve taken that which was created glorious and pumped it full of meth, and after decades of feminism our culture is certainly worse for the wear…like a pair of Lizzo’s underpants

So, sure, after decades of feminism Beyonce can declare with lyrical brilliance that Girls not only run the world but also this mother & Cardi B & Megan Thee Stallion can now eloquently rap about their vagina and let us know that there are “Whores in this house, There's some whores in this house, There's some whores in this house, There's some whores in this house & that they have a certification is freak…” (good to know)

But after decades of breathing in the noxious odors of feminism are women any better off? Are women any safer? Are woman more any more appreciated, prized or valued? It’s true, feminism promised freedom, but it seems like it would have been a good idea for someone to ask, “freedom from what?” and “freedom to what?”

Feminism has no more lifted the estate of women than Planned Parenthood has lifted the estate of the family…Porn, Cohabitation, Out of Wedlock Births, and Abortion doesn’t sound very empowering, but hey, you got yourself a J.O.B.…so there’s that…not to mention your frozen eggs…I guess you have everything you’ve ever wanted – stupid patriarchy!

So, great! You’re bringing home your own bacon, but I bet you’re still the one frying it up. If not, I bet you secretly despise the effeminate wet noodle you have frying it up for you…I know, I know, that’s not nice to point out, and, He’s sooooo nice.

C.S. Lewis said,

“In a sort of ghastly simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function. We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.”

Our nation has gotten a tubaligation and we wonder why there is no life…We laugh at motherhood and are shocked to find 64 million infant corpses in our midst…We mock faithful wives and mothers and then are amazed when we can’t find a good man who wants to settle down…and after all, why would he when, “There's some whores in this house”

If we want to honor the Lord in our lives, and in our Homes & in our Churches and in our nation & experience the Lord’s blessings to a thousand generations then men need to Act like Men…and Women need to stop acting like men & know their place

Woman, Know Your Place

In order to know one’s place, one has to know what they were created for. Though it goes

without saying, so let me say it: men and women are different…not just regarding plumbing, but they’re different all the way down and all the way through – this much has been obvious for all of human history – until someone made the profound assertion that men can have babies, but hey, Epstein killed himself and Biden got 80 million votes…So I guess, bring on the male birthing people.

So then, when talking about men and women we are not talking about cultural boundary lines, but rather we are talking about creational norms – we’re talking about God’s good design…which means were not talking about “woman” in isolation…if we are talking about what a women is we are also talking about her relationship with God, to man, and to creation…which means to jigger with what a woman is…is to also, at the same time and in the way jigger with all those relationships which will have a ripple effect all the way down and all the way through…

Given this, it doesn’t take long to figure out how we got where we’re at. You start jiggering with the dials a little bit here and there it doesn’t seem like too much changed at first… Until, you move decades out…it’s like being off target a little bit at 20 yards…move that out to 100 yards and you are way off.

We’ve gotten to the point where a supreme court justice can’t even answer the question, “what is a woman?”…because apparently being a woman is not an immutable trait, but being black obviously is. And even though we can’t define what a woman is, we are all certain that all woman are oppressed, and everyone knows that said oppression can only be fixed through baby murder…especially if the baby is female – That’ll show the patriarchy…no one is forcing a baby on me, especially a female one!

But fear not, Victoria Secret, that great ambassador of female empowerment is here to save the day. The moral giants at corporate realized that using attractive models to market their thongs wasn’t empowering enough for women…in order to correct this oversight on their part, they decided to hire some fat lesbos, and trannies to help market their thongs – problem solved!

Watching these paragons of virtue, otherwise known as woketards solve moral problems is the equivalent of watching monkeys do math. Now, that they’ve fixed the world, one pair of underpants at a time, they just need to fix that market share problem…

So then, men and women were created different by God. Which means that God alone has the ability and authority to define what a man is and what a woman is, not some pervert, pedophile deuce in Hollywood or DC, not some miserable gender studies professor that smells like homemade deodorant, not some effeminate big-eva soft-turd white knight and not some chubby lesbo with short purple hair and combat boots and a bad attitude.

A woman’s Value, Worth, Dignity, and Honor are defined by God, but so too then is her Role, Function, Mission…Therefore, in answering the question, what is a woman, you also answer the question, What was woman created for?

Man was created first, as the head, and was given a mission (to guard, to watch, to, keep, and to multiply…) Woman was then created as his helper and was given sub-mission. Man is the image and glory of God, but woman is the glory of man…Man was not created for woman but woman for man…THEREFORE, her mission is to help him accomplish his…

Woman was not taken from man’s head, to rule over him…she was not taken from his feet, to be his slave…she was not taken from his hands to be his tool…she was taken from his side to be his Companion and Helper. This is not only a glorious thing, its unavoidable!…Woman can no more avoid this than man can avoid the patriarchy…it’s baked into the cake…

Given that woman was designed to be a helper she was designed differently, not just physically, but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

“Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered.” 1 Peter 3:7

In saying that women are weaker he is not saying that they are less valuable. A precious vase is certainly of no less value than a hammer. One builds the house, while the other makes it pleasant to live in.

“Men are designed to give their strength to a woman because a good wife is a strength-magnifier. The man is the house-builder; the woman the homemaker. She takes that house and she appoints it and furnishes it until it becomes a home; a place of rest and comfort and hospitality. The man is the supplier; the woman the refiner. She takes the raw materials that he provides through the sweat of his brow – whether food, or cloth, or money, or whatever else – and returns them as a good meal, a fine garment, a beautiful home, or some other resource of great value. This is most exemplified in child-bearing itself, where she takes her man’s seed into her, and returns it to him as an offspring and an inheritance.” Michael Foster

Therefore, if a vase wants to be a hammer, it will come at great cost, namely, no home will be built and if a hammer wants to pretend to be a vase it won’t be pleasant for anybody. But, again, this presupposes unavoidable, God-given distinction and differences.

This has nothing to do with inherent value, but rather with design. Again, Chesterton is helpful in drawing out the obvious:

“If I set the sun beside the moon, And if I set the land beside the sea, And if I set the town beside the country, And if I set the man beside the woman, I suppose some fool would talk about one being better.”

To say that being a Helper is somehow less valuable is like saying tires are less valuable than a steering wheel. Under God’s rule/reign, submission is glorious, necessary and constructive…when woman rebel against this, it doesn’t make them any less a “helper”…it just makes them the devil’s.

My wife is my best friend, she is my closest confidant, companion, and comforter, she is the primary educator of my children, and she has dominion in our home that I freely and joyfully give…all of this is a tremendous help to me so that I can accomplish all that the Lord puts before me…And after having five babies, she is hotter than she has ever been.

A good woman makes everything better…and a good wife is a gift from the Lord…

“He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD.” Proverbs 18:22.

To think that being a helper or that submission is somehow degrading, or less than, is not only stupid, it’s blasphemous.

Jesus was submissive to His Father even to the point of death on the cross…Jesus’ will, was to do the will of His Father, and the Holy Spirit is referred to as the Helper. It’s a disgusting and pernicious lie to think that the only way for a woman to be equal to a man is to do what a man does…it’s about as stupid as using a vase to hammer in nails…

This is not at the expense of women, but rather for the sake of women. This is not to dishonor women, but rather to prize them highly. Woman do have an incredible amount of influence and power, not in acting like men, but rather, in knowing their place in God’s created order…

“Woman was the finishing grace of creation. Woman was the completeness of man’s bliss in Paradise. Woman was the cause of sin and death to our world. The world was redeemed by the Seed of the woman. Woman is the mother of the human race. She is either our companion, counselor, and comforter in the pilgrimage of life; or she is our tempter, scourge, and destroyer. Our sweetest cup of earthly happiness or our bitterest draught of sorrow is mixed and administered by her hand. She not only renders smooth or rough our path to the grave, but helps or hinders our progress to immortality. In heaven we shall bless God for her aid in assisting us to reach that blissful state; or amidst the torments of unutterable woe in another region, we shall deplore the fatality of her influence…” John Angell James

Obviously, sin perverted the created order. It corrupted our natures, it didn’t change our

natures…Returning to Chesterton’s point about how enlightened it is for woman to submit to their employer, but not to their husbands…I would just add to that, that a woman who only submits for payment has usually gone by some unpleasant titles. Maybe this is what that great cultural philosopher, Carbi B meant when she said, “There’s some whores in the place”

These same women who want to smash the patriarchy, have no problem submitting to their employers, and they have no problem submitting to the government when they tell them, with religious zeal to put on their face burka and take an experimental drug, but if their husband asks them to make them sandwich they crap their pants in revolutionary outrage.

Herein lies the pernicious goal of feminism – not to remove the patriarchy (that would be

impossible), but to remove a righteous, God-ordained patriarchy…thus making way for wicked men to rule. As is turns out, wicked men make the best feminist.

Why does all of this matter? Because the glory of God and of His Christ matters. The power of the gospel matters, and the integrity of the word of God matters.

“Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.” Titus 2:3-5

Unfortunately, the devil understands male and female roles much better than most evangelical churches, with their diet coke version of feminism. In a desire to esteem and exalt woman most churches have sprinkled a little bit of Jesus pixy dust over feminism seeking to appease all parties…

This leads to a reviling of the word of God, which is evident in these churches being run by a bunch of passive-aggressive, nasty women, who dress like their auditioning for a spot on Fox News or going clubbing after service. One of the great tragedies of the modern church is that it thinks that, in order to reach women and to keep women in the pews they need to be coddled and never called to repent…because they secretly think women are stupid. This is sick and not only reviles the word, but also reviles women.


In order to truly glorify God in our lives, homes, churches, communities in our capacities as male and female we need to be given a new nature through Christ. We need to be redeemed, restored, recreated, and washed through His soul-saving blood. We need to understand that all authority is derivative – that is, it comes from God and is to be exercised for His glory and His name sake.

It is absolutely true, that men are responsible for their sins and they will be held accountable for everything that happens in their lives and in their homes. But it is also absolutely true, that ladies will be held accountable for their sins as well. If a husband sucks at leading, he is going to give an account for that. If a wife sucks at helping, she is also going to give an account for that.

Through repentance/faith in Jesus our sins are forgiven and we are covered in His glory and His righteousness. In Christ, Man is to be submissive to Christ in every way and he is to lead in that way and to that end and a wife is to be submissive to her husband, thus honoring Christ through her husband.

Men are to be out front on mission: loving, leading, protecting, providing, cultivating... Women are to be on sub-mission: loving, helping, respecting, creating, refining, submitting. This is a high and holy calling in the Lord and has a ripple effect all the way down and all the way through.

“Every woman, whether rich or poor, married or single, has a circle of influence within which, according to her character, she is exerting a certain amount of power for good or harm. Every woman by her virtue or her vice, by her wisdom or her folly, by her dignity or her levity is adding something to our national elevation or degradation. As long as female virtue is prevalent, upheld by one sex and respected by the other, a nation cannot sink very low in the scale or ignominy by plunging into the depths of vice…To a certain extent, woman is the conservator of her nation’s welfare. Her virtue, if firm and uncorrupted, will stand sentinel over that of the empire.” John Angell James

Women are the givers of life, they are strength magnifiers, they are raising future dominion takers and dragon slayers to a thousand generations – that is a magnificent and glorious thing. Far more magnificent and far more glorious than having a J.O.B., running this mother, or rapping about your Va-jay-jay. So come and welcome to Jesus Christ!

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